My Heart's Always With You Now


Olivia's POV:

"Hey, Livia, mind if I spend the night?" Matt asked a few hours later as we all lounged around on the back porch.

"Sure. Because if I didn't let you, Jessica would whine until I did," I laughed. Jessica beamed happily.

"You know, she whines if Matt isn't around," mused Brian. I saw Zacky whispering something to Jessica. She smiled.

"Zacky, you'd better not be corrupting my innocent daughter," I warned.

"Oh, I'm not. Jessica, go tell your mom what I told you," said Zacky. Jessica smiled and flounced over to me. She whispered in my ear what Zacky told her.

"I'm sorry, Jess, but I won't sing. I haven't in awhile. Tell your Uncle Matt to sing," I told her.

"I've heard you sing before. You sing pretty, Mommy," argued Jessica.

"I've never heard you sing," said Jason, looking disgruntled. "Sing."

"No. I really don't want to," I repeated.

"Oh come on, Liv. You have a great voice," said Johnny. I shook my head.

"If you don't sing, I'll.... I'll..... I'll have Jessica spend the night at my house," threatened Jimmy.

"Please, Livia," begged Matt, giving me puppy dog eyes. I sighed.

"Only if you sing with me," I bargained.

"All right."

"What song do you want to hear?" I asked Jessica. She tapped her chin, thinking.

"Um.... 'Seize the Day'!" she decided. I looked at Matt, indicating that he should start.

"'Seize the day or die regretting the time you've lost. Too many people to ache over'," his husky voice sang. I joined in on the second verse. From her spot on Brian's lap, I saw Jessica's head start too droop. By the time Matt and I had finished singing, she was asleep.

"I think it's time to call it a night," I whispered, going over to pick her up. The guys, minus Matt, and Jason quietly got up and left, Jason pausing to kiss me. Matt followed me as I went upstairs to leave Jessica in her room. Tucking her in, I kissed her forehead. Matt kissed her forehead after me and we left her room.

"I had forgotten how amazing your voice sounded," Matt mentioned as we went to my room. Yes, we slept in the same bed and Jason was unaware of that fact. I blushed. "Something's bugging you," Matt stated more than asked. I avoided looking at him. "One of your bad days?" I nodded, tears springing to my eyes. I had what Matt called bad days. Those days, for some odd reason, I remembered being a struggling teen mom and getting dumped without a warning. Matt hugged me tightly. "Cry all you want, Livia. It's better to get it out." My tears started falling freely as enjoyed the warmth Matt seemed to give off. I may be in a relationship with Jason and yes, I love him to an extent, but I've always loved Matt. I just couldn't tell him.
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