My Heart's Always With You Now


After we ate, I got dressed. I kept some clothes at Olivia's house.

"We'll be back later," I said as Jessica and I walked out.

"Behave, Jessica!" Olivia called.

"I will!" she yelled back. I helped Jessica into my car, strapping her into her car seat.

"Where do you want to go, Jess?" I asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"Downtown!" she squealed. I laughed and pulled out of the driveway.

*Later that day*

"Dad, can I ask you something?" Jessica asked, licking her ice cream cone. I felt a surge of happiness when she called me "Dad."

"Sure," I replied as we turned the corner. The sun was starting to set and we were walking around hand in hand, eating ice cream.

"How come Mom says you're not my real dad?" I stiffened. Olivia has told me before that Jessica was always questioning things. I just never expected Jessica to ask me that. I knew Olivia would kill me if I told Jessica the truth, but I couldn't lie to her.

"Well, because you're not related to me by blood," I started slowly.

"Like with Uncle Brian, Uncle Zacky, Uncle Jimmy, and Uncle Johnny?"


"Then why did you sign my birth certificate?" She's too damn smart for her age. She obviously has her mother's brain.

"Because your real dad wasn't there."

"Where was he?"

"I don't know."

"Who's my real dad?" I sighed, knowing I'm on a hit list now.

"You remember that man that came over the other day and was bothering your mom?" She nodded. "He's your real dad." Jessica looked at me with wide eyes.

"He can't be my real dad. You are." I smiled down at her.

"Well he is."

"But why?"

"That your mom will answer when she thinks the time is right." Jessica pursed her little lips and appeared deep in thought as we walked back to the car. I'd better plan my funeral.
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Now Matt's gonna get killed. =( Comment please! +D