Patrick Meeting you was the best thing Kane

Chapter Four

---Julie's Apartment---
It was the day after my amazing picnic date with Patrick. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him, he made me so amazing happy that its scary. And yes my brother is Jon Towes. I came out here without telling him. My first game that I had seen Jon play in the NHL since I moved here was the one Pat invited me to. I was pretty sure that Jon had seen me there and I bet he called me mom and asked why I was here.I wasn't ready to face him although when I heard a lound knock on my door I was sure it was going to be Jon.

"Knock" I walked to the door to open up to none other than my brother Jon. "JULIE what the FUCK are you doing here? And why the hell are you not answering your cell phone? And why in the world are you seeing Pat??" Jon said to me without even saying hello. "Hey Jon, nice of you to stop by" I said seeming unfazed by Jon. "Julie don't fucking avoid my questions. You don't even call and tell me that your out here, and then I see you at the game wearing a Pat Kane jersey. Then Pat talkes about you at practice this morning about a wonderful girl from Winnipeg that is named Julie. What the hell" "Ok Jon first off I moved here after I got a scholorship to the University of Chicago. Second I am a big girl and I can date who I want when I want. andthird did Pat say anything good about me in the dressing room." I said with a laugh after my last remark. "Seriously Julie, I don't want my baby sister to get hurt. You should have called. Although yes, okay Pat is like a brother to me, sometimes he can be a player. I just don't want to see you cry." "Jon, if Pat does something to make me cry you will be the first to know." I said as I heard another "KNOCK" at my door, fuck who could that be I thought to myself. I opened the door to see an incrediably cute curly haired guy! "PAT!, what are you doing here I said giving him a quick kiss on the lips." Pat was standing there with flowers and of course finally my cell phone, which by the way had about 50 missed calls from Jon. "Well, I had to come and stop by your phone was ringing off the hook and by the way are you dating Jon Towes, he called you about 50 times. I don't see much competition there" As Pat pulled me into an everlasting amazing kiss. Pat was still standing in the door well and couldn't see Jon so he had no idea about my brother.

"Um Pat, I have some explaining to do come in please." "Okay, Julie is something wrong." Just as I closed the door after Pat came in, I saw Jon and Pat's eyes meet. "What the fuck are you doing here buddy trying to steal my women" Pat said jokingly to Jon. "Patrick, shes my sister!, I know I know I had never talked about her before but well I didn't expect her to move to Chicago and fall in love with my teammate." "WOAH, Fall in love, me and Pat! Hold up we have been on two dates! Thats it." I said trying to get that thought out of my head, as much as yes I have to admit I am falling for him. "Um Julie thats sorta why I am here, I kinda told Jon that I Love You. I know not the way you wanted to hear from your brother, although at the time I sure didn't know he was your brother." Pat said to me trying not to blush. "Woah what just happened" I said standing there shocked.
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