‹ Prequel: A Wish Gone Wrong

Another Wish Gone Wrong

Xandi - "IslandMaster"

Geez, this place could do with a couple of McDonalds, I thought, as I slipped out of my little tent on the beach, what do the natives here eat? Fish? Ugh.

It was still dawn when I tracked towards the forest that I saw the natives the day before. There was barely enough light to guide me, but… otherwise mom wouldn’t let me go anywhere. Better to slip away early that to drag myself away from her later.

This is ridiculous I mumbled, I’m not that scary. They shouldn’t be running away from me! Especially that sex-god… He’s, like, the first guy who actually ran away from me without saying a word… Pathetic

A shriek welled out from camp, and I wheeled around to see mom rising from her sleeping-bag. Damn. I turned around again and broke into a run, speeding away from camp until I came to a point that I had absolutely no idea where I was.

Come on, Sex-God, I thought as I tumbled around in circles, Come and save me… I’m lost…


Meh… I spat, The stupid natives are no use to me, now I’m lost and they’re not going to turn up to drool over me… I mean… talk to me…

I stumbled around as the sun began to rise even higher, the glare of its rays beating against the banana trees’ leaves. Another hour out here and I’ll be roasting under the sun.

And I’m hungry.

I looked up at the banana trees, home to over a dozen bananas per tree. Delicious. I might as well start to try eating the food here. I might get stuck here forever.

Hopefully… with Sex-god… Doing what he does best…


Snapping out of my instantaneous reverie, I looked up again. The bananas were just sitting there, as if challenging me to get them.

Let’s get them then. I jumped against a nearby tree and began to clamber up the trunk. It wasn’t long before I slipped and ricocheted 4 meters downwards.


I remembered screaming, but that loud “AARGHGHHH!!!” definitely wasn’t mine. Not a chance, I don’t scream like that, I scream more like an “eeek!!” or “aah!” but definitely not “AARGHGHHH!!!”

It was only then that I realised that I didn’t exactly land on undergrowth or leaves or whatever. I actually landed on a person

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed, genuinely surprised and shocked. I rolled off him, and for a split second thought that I actually fell on the Sex-God, oh my dreams…

But no. This one wasn’t as tanned as Sex-God, but looked like him, only younger and less good looking.

“Who’re you?” I asked pointedly, the fact that I squished him to the floor completely evaporating.

He coughed onto the leaves, hand clutching his chest and the other on the ground to gain his balance. He went into a massive coughing fit, his chest heaving and contracting.

“Are you, like, okay?” I asked anxiously, kneeling down to place a hand on his bare shoulder.

“Shove off,” he coughed, fumbling with his woven slingbag and pulled out two inhalers, one blue and the other orange. The orange one slipped out of his grasp and landed lightly on the undergrowth. Ignoring it, he opened the blue one and puffed four times, taking huge breaths in between puffs.

I picked up the orange one while he puffed, glaring at me with those chocolate brown eyes. It was Xeopenex, the emergency inhaler for asthma. I looked up at him in amazement as he snatched it back and began to puff from it.

This was a native. Living on an island that was completely uncharted. Wearing amazingly primitive grass clothing. Yet, he was in possession of asthma inhalers that he couldn’t possibly have gotten hold of without contact with the outside world.

“What’d you do that for?!” he hollered, shoving the inhalers back into his bag, “don’t you know I’m asthmatic?!”

“I shouldn’t know, should I?” I exclaimed, taking a step backward, “And I wasn’t one to know that I would be falling out of banana trees!”

“Of course you do!” he growled, “remember entry #14930? 28th February? Oh by the way, I’m asthmatic?”

“Wh..at?” I asked, confused.

“I’m IslandMaster,” he scowled, picking himself off the floor and dusting himself off primly, IslandMaster@wichel.com?

My mouth dropped open.

“And the bell dings!” he hailed sarcastically, throwing his hands in the air in mock congratulations.

You’re Kyshico?” I breathed.

“I thought we made that clear already?” he scowled.

“Oh my GOD!!” I squealed, rushing towards him and locking him in a comical squeeze, “oh my god oh my god!”

“Gedditoff gedditoff!” he squawked, “Jesus, Xandi!”

“This is so-ohhhh cool!” I declared, punching my hand into the sky, “I always wanted to see where you lived! You never told me!”

“You…” Kyshico mumbled, looking up at me, “did you wish for this? By any chance?”

I looked back down at him, “well… sort of?” I admitted.

He broke away from my hug and picked up the slingbag that was lying on the floor, his face was grave.

“I think you’d better follow me.”