Hope The Raven,

This story/oneshot is dedacated to my dog Girlie y

C`Mon lala's spots time for your guys walk. yelled lira through the empty house waiting for her two dogs too come running through the back door into the kitchen,
when they did she attached there leashes and took them out side and began the usual walk to the broad walk,
on there way back lira noticed a little bird sitting in the middle of the road!
being a animal lover she quickly ran over to it to see if it was injured.
Hey little guy what are you doing out hear you could get hurt
nothing seems to be wrong with you,
she picked it up and it started to squawk she quickly rapped her jacket around it and making sure a little but of it cover its eyes so it would calm down,
she looked it over more carefully letting lala's and spots off so they could go sniff around while she looked at it and sat down on a seat near a picnic table
she was sure it was a baby raven she looked around for its mum,

Lira,spots and lala's walked through there front door,the dogs flopped on the floor lira on the couch carrying the baby raven in her jacket
she had been looking all over for its mother all day but had no luck she even went to all the animal shelters and hippies(A/N: YES HIPPIES! there are hippies in that town that look after animals) and stuff in town,with absolutely NO help! everywhere was full had enough mouths too feed didn't WANT another! SUCH HEARTLESS PEOPLE!

she sighed and said too the raven

you know? your like me not wanted lost her parents. . .
were the same
how weird is that?
well looks like you'll be living with me, but i better check out how to raise you or this could go bad. . REAL bad, first things first a name for you. . . hmm. . .
she thought for a moment
AHA! i have one Coz were the same and you've found hope in me I'll call you HOPE!
the raven looked at her funny
hey its better then lala's or spots,
spots got up barked once and walked out the back door and with a soft grunt lala's followed
sorry guys didn't mean that in a bad way,
GUYS I'm sorry i didn't mean it like that REALLY! come back!
they didn't come back
i said i was sorry mumbled lira, she went in to her bedroom setting Hope down on the bed and started the computer up and began to search on line
hmmm. . .how to go about this lets see lets see
then she typed in How to raise a baby raven?
it came up with a few things, she clicked on the yahoo answers,

um okay so raising a baby raven baby raven. . .
hmm. . .,
lira couldn't get any direct answers so she went to yahoo and asked their
she got a reply pretty quickly

I've fed out birds. You're getting bad advice. First, it should go to an wildlife refuge, but if you keep it and it lives - lucky you because ravens (crows) are wonderfully smart birds and talk very well, you might want to watch the ordinances of where you live if they allow them & consider if they are even enforced in any way. My advice - if you want it, go to pet store and purchase small can of Katee Bird Hand feeding Formula & aspen wood shavings (not cedar) & pick up a couple syringes from drugstore apex. 10 cc (1/2" diameter). Discard the needle as you will need to feed it with the plastic tip extension. Purchase 2 cooking type metal thermometers, (1 digital & 1 regular gauge). Sometimes Walmart or a Kitchen shop has the best choices. Next keep the bird around 85-90 degrees. You can put in rectangle bowl lined with aspen and covered with 3 plain Kleenex (no additives). Put it in a Styrofoam ice chest with a heating pad over it or a lamp with a 100 watt bulb. Stick a hole in Styrofoam to insert digital thermometer so you can watch the temp. Be careful of fires & don't put bird on the heating pad. Next, mix the formula in hot water about as thick as good brand of chocolate milk. Not too thick or thin. Stir it well and use digital thermometer to get the temp to appx. 95 degrees (no warmer and not below 93) Suck it up in syringe, and feed the bird very carefully. Hold the bird wrapped in a fleece or clean washcloth wrapped around it. Have them in sitting position facing you with your left hand supporting the head in upright position. This is important - if food goes in wrong, you will kill it. As the bird is FACING you, you will gently insert the tip in the Right side and cross it over to the LEFT side (as the bird is facing you). Birds airway is on THEIR left and food goes down THEIR right side most always. Gently ans slowly feed the formula with a very slow pressure. You are not inserting this syringe tip down the throat, just into the side of their mouth. Each day it will take more. The crop fills and gets really big. The next feeding is determined by how often the crop goes down and gets empty. It's not a good idea to feed if crop is even half full. You will feed it more times the younger it is, but not after maybe 11 pm until 7 am. The bookstores and some pet stores carry Barron's I think that has a baby bird book on hand feeding and caring for baby birds. Most important, keep it warm. Do not use Teflon heating elements or any scented things around bird. As it gets older, you will have to treat for mites as it was wild, but I would not do anything for a while. Penn Plan makes some nice plastic mini-aquarium type of things in various sizes with colored lids with ventilation at top. This would be good to start with to house it and put a heating pad on top of it. They are sold at Walmart but larger pet stores would have more sizes. The small ones start at $2-$4 depending on size. After feeding wipe food up with warm moist cotton ball or Kleenex. Paper towels are too rough. Keep it's cage clean with fresh Kleenex when soiled. If it is standing up, you will want to purchase a small free standing perch to for it to sit on. At this point, you want to go to the wood shavings with a grate on top. I purchased the plastic grating for kitchen florencent lights and broke it to fit. Easy to wash and helps keep the bird from standing in droppings and trying to eat the shavings (which can cause an impaction). Latter as the bird gets starts to nibble and you think it's ready, feed it some frozen peas and carrots crushed with a fork, plain cheerios, or weaning food from pet store that looks like cheerios. Different birds feed out quicker some can take months, but don't worry as they get older you can mix it a little thicker and they will have less feeding per day. Currently I'm feeding out a little smaller bird that is eating 2 - 10 cc only 3 times a day and it's a month old and not standing yet. Oh, if you feel the syringe is suddenly not feeding, then remove it and push harder on paper towel. It might have a clump in it & you don't want it squirting hard into the mouth when it finally dislodges with pushing harder. Once it gets its feathers, you should just keep it around 80 degrees while young and then never below 70. Keep it out of drafts.
Good luck.

wow thats alooooooooong answer plus bummer i don't live in America then i could go to their so called "wallmart"
oh well, okay then looks like I'll need to get a few things done,
she then wrote down a list of things and headed down to the local pet store
and bought most of the things the guy had said,

Wow you must have a few things to take care of. said the guy at the cash register
psh you would believes got a baby raven to look after.
you don't like animals?. he asked
I i love animals i have to dogs already and i've had a snake fishes cats other dogs horses Spiders insects turtles sharks. said lira wile counting her fingers
hahaha ok ok i get it. said the guy cutting her off,
then how come i haven't seen you on AL?. he said while packing her stuff in a box
AL? lira asked tilting her head
Animal lovers its an online site you should go there its really cool all about animals and all the animal lovers get together and talk and stuff, you should join. he said cheerfully while handing her the bag
Lira smiled nodded and said thanks and I'll check it out and then left,
she drove home and unpacked everything for hope and then went up to the computer,
Lira wasn't really apart of any community no one really bother to talk to her,
she found the site quite quickly and had a look around the forums were really good and there were places for photo's for animals and there owners Lira wanted to upload some of her own but you needed to log in, so she decided to look at something else coz she didn't want to join just yet, she found a place were you could chat, she went in to the chat room and there was a conversation going on in particular that caught her eye,

iXlikeXpuppiesX: i don't know what to do my dog just had a MOUNTAIN! of puppies and she's really weak there's no way i can keep them all and she's very very weak after giving birth to them all HELP!.

Cow-Pies:I'd say try to get sum professional help! coz this could turn bad very quickly were do you live?

iXlikeXpuppiesX:NSW small town called Banks and the phone lines are dead and i'm to young to drive let alone know how i live out on a farm and my parents are out of town for a bit

Fifi: honey ur gonna have to get help right now have a look in a phone book. what the hell are your parents doing leaving you out on a farm by your self with a pregnant dog! how old are ya kid?

iXlikeXpuppiesX: i just turned fourteen a month ago but they didn't whan to go they had to for something i dunno the reason they took all the animals with them they said they would only be gone for a few days but its been a few weeks and i cant get a hold of them on there phones

Cow-pies Wow well i live in Alice springs and i have no idea what to do, um does anyone on hear live in banks? anyone who can help her?

iXlikeXpuppiesX: PLEASE! my dogs breathing has dropped and i can barley hear her heart i don't want her to die please please help!

lira hesitated

iXLikeXpuppiesX: please anyone!

this time lira didn't hesitate now

VIsitor: i live in Banks were do you live and I'll come out to were you are

iXlikeXpuppiesX: OMG THANK YOU! THANK YOU! i live at teh very very end of west Dr no.43 it has a dirt road with a neon green letter box just drive up a bit then you'll see a white house house, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Visitor: its okay i'll be their as soon as i can but i'll have to bring my animals with me i'm leaving right now make sure you keep your dog warm and put all tha puppies in a cardboard box with blankets but near their mum and try to get her to eat a raw egg or something maybe a little bit or cheesy even milk or soemthing but most of all try and stay calm i know thats hard but it will make it easier for her and the puppies and stay with her and let her know your their

Visitor has left the chat room

Lira ran down stairs it had began to rain and it was 4:00 pm in the arvo she went in to the kitchen grabbing bit and pieces from cupboard, SPOT LALA'S! GET IN THE UTE!
the dogs went racing through the house out the open front door and jumped in the open car Lira quickly ran upstairs grabbed hope and then ran out the car with her arms full of things, put the car in drive and raced down the road to West drive which thank god wasn't far from her street.
after a five minute drive Lira came to the street it was long up and down road, she turned her indicator on and when 30 K/m down the wet road her mind was raging trying to be safe at the same time wanting to go 200 K/m down the wet slippery road but thank god she had common scene,she flicked the radio on, and the first word she hears is,

Wendy's gonna die she horridly flicked it to another station
concrete blond not know sorry-GAAAAAH!!!!!
Lira screamed and skidded to a stop nearly hitting into eh guy standing in the middle of the fricken wet fricken bloody road right were she was fricken driving WHAT THE FRICK IS HE DOING THE FRICKEN IDIOT! i coulda killed him stupid fricken idiot dip shit GOD DAMMIT!! he ran around to her window and made winding down thing she horridly opened her door and told him to hop in on the other side the Ute was one of those five seaters she had picked it up really really cheap at the dump it worked fine after she fixed it up a bit, but it also meant the guy could get in with out having to huddle with spot and lala's,
he got in and said a quick thanks and she started to drive again after she looked at him she realized that he was the guy from the pet store the very guy who had told her about the site he was wearing a jumper that was utterly wet along with wet jeans it looked like he had jumped in a lake or something, then. . .it started to hail,

Thanks so much for picking me up i have to get to 43 Dr real quick its and emergency- HEY YOUR THE CUTE GIRL FORM TODAY! then he immediately started to blush.
wait your heading down to that girls place the one with the sick dog? asked lira quickly
YEA! how'd you knwo about it-oh wait you must be the person from online! i was about to tell her that i could come down but then you spoke up and i thought well i'd come down anyway but then i skidded on the road my car wheel popped and went into the bushes and i had to walk While it was raining and i slipped and fell and really hurt my leg and arm and then i walked on tot eh road and couldn't go any further not being able to see like five meters in front of me then you showed up thank god,
wow sounds like you've had a spot of bad luck. said lira her heart slowly warming,
they reached the end of the road and saw a neon green light they looked at each other and lira drove on the drive way was badly kept like it was never used, they slowly crept up to the house lira drove as close as she could get to the house they all got out lira grabbed everything she had brought and gave hope to the shop owner, he took her half startled e and then lira ran up the stairs to the front door and before she could knock the door flew open and a small girl was standing there with a tear stricken face she quickly smiled and said thank you and come in and helped lira take everything lira looked down at the pet shop uy to see him struggling to get up the stairs the stairs were cover so no rain was getting in,
Wait there I'll come and help you in a sec,
he just nodded an sat down,
lira went inside and looked around she saw a great big dog lying on some blankets in front of a fire place, with a big box full of puppies, how is she?
asked lira
the girl started to brake down crying her eyes out and sobbing
w-w-will she m-m-maaake it!? p-please h-h-help h-her!
hey hey shh shh shh. she'll be okay shh. . . how about you go help the guy out side? and I'll have a looka t her? said lira while hugging her and slowly swaying back and fourth
the girl nodded slowly and began to shuffle towards the door but before she opened it she looked back at her dog her eyes full of love, lira looked at her and said softly
by the way my names lira hale nice to meet you,
the girl sniffed and said while going out side,
nice to meet you my names D-Drea
she then slipped out lira turned to the dog and walked over to her spots and lala's were sniffing the puppies and licking the mum,
hey there girl let me have a looka t you i'm gonna make you better k?
the dog let out a soft quit whine, tears filler lira's eyes but she shook tehm away she noticed a dog bowl near with the name Girlie on it
so you names Girlie huh? what a cool name i'mma get you and your puppies thorough this
lira promised

Two years later

C`Mon lira! get in the water! yelled Drea to Lira and Jess sitting on the sandy land juts before the creek,
Nah! were good said Jess (Aka the pet shop boy)
Jess leaned down and kissed Lira softly on the lips
EEEEW! yelled drea and the other fifteen dogs started barking with her
Lira was able to save girlie with the help of Jess and save the seventeen puppies
they gave some away but they kept twelve it turned out that Drea and Lira were sisters and that Drea was adopted before Lira was and then her family couldn't take care of Drea and the dog so they ran away, Drea didn't mind she was happy she had a sister they ended up moving in to a house that their deceased Grandma and parents had left hem Jess became the owner of the Pet shop and the Lira became a vet with out going to school might i add! and Hope was set free when she was able to fly but she stays with Lira Jess and drea anyway she lives in a nest up a tree just outside of Drea bedroom with three little chicks.
Jess and Lira never got married but they didn't because they didn't want to not because they didn't love each other they did more then anything int eh world but just because they were happy the way they were,
so yea just your typical Happy every after. . .oh wait did i forget to mention that the house that was from here grandma and parents ended up being a mansion so they opened it up as an Orphanage for animals and kids they live their know out on few thousand Hectors or land with over six hundred kids and two hundred animals
yeapers sounds like a happily ever after to me!
♠ ♠ ♠
yea i know cheesy but whatever spur of the moment thingy

comments please!