She doesn't love you, but I do.

Sitting and waiting

I stayed out of the house all day until I came to the park. I sat on the park swing, swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth… I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket again.

“Leave it,” I thought to myself, “just leave it,”

Back and forth… back and forth… back and forth


Back and forth… back and forth…

“I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t mean it,” he said.

Back and forth… back and forth…

“I do love you, you know?”

back and stop.

“What?” I said

“I-I love you. But I also love Shannon,” he said.

“Pfft,” I said and continued to swing.

“Why is that so hard for you to believe?!” he asked me

“Because… she just doesn’t love you Frank but…. Never mind,” I said

“No, go on,” he said

“She doesn’t love you Frank. But I do,” I said loudly.

“Hailey-“ he said

“No, leave it Frank. If it’s not going to be said back I’m leaving. You might as well go back on tour to meet two more Shannon’s,” I said spitefully.

I stood up and walked out the gate and on the road back to my house.


I got home quite early. I saw a note on the bulletin board it said

“Hailey, Mikey and I have gone to see Mom for a while. Shannon has gone out with a friend, should be out for a while. Be back soon. Gerard xox "

I sighed. Is Shannon's not here!! Yes! Finally! Then, I heard laughing coming from the living room. I slowly walked up to the door and listened.

“Oh Daniel!” Shannon giggled. “I love you so much! So much more than Frank! You shouldn't be here really, I think you'd better go! Hailey might get back with Frank!”

Shannon's here? Gerard said she had gone out with a friend! This must be her friend.

“They wont be back for ages. They don't even know me! Please dump Frank Shannon” a guy said, Daniel his name was.

“Well, I want to be famous so I have to hang around with him.” She said.

I gasped

“What’s that?!” she said

“Nothing sweetheart, but I love you, you need to dump him!” Daniel said

“Dan! I’m going to become famous then dump him and we can be together!” she said

"Okay, I'm not going though," he said

"Dan, this isn't my house, you shouldn't be here. Maybe we should go to you're house?" she asked

"No! We can't. None of the Way's will get home anytime soon and Frank is probably with sulking over that Hailey." Dan said

"Okay, a few more minutes," he said. Shannon started to giggle again

I stood there in shock. I am right! She doesn’t love him!! I quietly ran upstairs and got my phone out. Ten missed calls from Frank. I pressed call to call him.

“Hello?” he said

“Frank it’s Hailey,”

“What is it Hail?” He asked

“Hurry, you need to get home! Quickly!” I said

“Why?” he asked

“Just do it Frank, trust me! Please hurry,” and hung up.

All I had to do now was wait….