Double Trouble


So let me begin with the long boring speech about myself. I’m Blair Anderson, 17 years old and you can bake me a cake on the 24th August. I have middle length brown hair with bangs, big brown eyes and I’m pretty random… but you’ll learn to deal. Sometimes what I say doesn’t make sense… but you’ll learn to understand. I’m bubbly, a sarcasm machine and I love to laugh. Some say that I laugh too much but I think they just don’t laugh enough. Am I right?

Yes, I have a twin sister… identical sister to be exact! No one could actually tell who’s Blair or Alexis if it wasn’t for the beauty spot Alexis have on her face. Back in California they used to call us the Anderson Sisters. We’re always together just like peanut butter and jelly. There is no friends like a sister, in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes stray, to lift one if one totters down and to strengthen whilst one stands.

I don’t consider myself as a wild child but just a 17 old girl who knows how to have fun, and the type of girl that is at the wrong place in the wrong time – that’s basically why I get in trouble a lot. If it wasn’t for my sister, I ended up in boarding school years ago but she always knew how to keep me on my toes. Yeah right, I had spent the last two winters in a fuckin boarding school. But not for long now … summer is here and it’s my last year. Yay!

I had been packing everything the last 30 minutes, for some reason I am going to miss this place. All my changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what I’m leaving behind is always going to stay part of myself. I have made my mind to settle a bit and maybe get a summer job, depends on the adventure waiting behind the door. I had tried many times to get a job but until now the road to success is under construction.

I went outside the school waiting for my sister to come pick me up. Her name’s Alexis, she’s the best sister you could ever have. I know that sisters annoy, interface, criticize and indulge in monumental sulks but if catastrophe should strike, sisters will be there and yes I’ve been through all of these things in the 17 years I’ve been living. My question right now is … how do people make it through life without a sister?

I heard the horn honking and rushed to the silver Cadillac she was in. “Hey… I’ve missed you so much!” she whined as she pulled me into a big hug. Air needed!

“I’ve missed you too but that was over dramatic” I said again putting my suitcases in the car. I went in and as always I switched on the radio and a song that I believe is called ‘Burnin Up’ was playing. I heard my sister humming with the song and I chuckled.

“So have you met some hottie?” she said as I gave her an evil look, she knew perfectly that he persons that could attend my school were only females. “Sorry stupid question” she said realizing.

“There are no stupid questions Alexis … just stupid people” I teased sticking my tongue out. “… and have you met a hottie?”

She smiled at me and I knew the answer was yes … I have know my sister way too much – like forever. “Oh my god … who is it?” I said as I jumped on the seat.

“His name is Joe Jonas, the one who’s actually singing the song we were just hearing” she said giggling. Lucky... I’m the one who deserves to be dating a celebrity not her – Aren’t I the one who just spent two years of her life in boarding school with no males.

“Try to be good Alexis … I don’t want to see you breast feed a baby in 9 months” I teased again and winked… yeah I love to tease her, I know how much it bugs her.

“Nah … he has a purity ring” she said as I looked at her in disgust. Purity ring? I take back everything I said I don’t want such a mommies boy. Sex is nature, and I believe in going along with nature. Thumbs up for nature… who’s with me?

“Okay ... as long he treats my little sister good, I’m fine with it” I said smiling.

Hell here we are being in a rush hour … why do they actually call it that when nothing moves? I groaned and let out a sigh, “So ... how long have you been dating this guy?” I asked in concern.

“Well, actually I met him 2 months ago … but we started dating since last month” she explained. Lucky Bitch! … She’s been around dating the famous Joe Jonas; contrastingly I spend my free time playing games with nerds, or at the library learning. What a life huh? (£5 for whoever wants it …pretty cheap don’t you think?)

“So are his brothers single?” I asked curiously … I’m her sister she could set me up with one of his brothers.

“Get over it Blair! One is too young and the other one is too old for you. Didn’t you suspect why I chose the middle Jonas?!” she said teasing.

At last finally at home … God had made many nature masterpieces but the most disastrous thing in my case was family. In each family a story is playing itself out, our story is that my father had been cheating behind mom’s back for years and she doesn’t want to admit it to herself. My life’s such despair.

“Honey, I’ve missed you so much!” my mom exclaimed, wearing her yellow apron that was more than 7 years old. You missed me?! Why the hell did you sent me then? I bet she couldn’t handle the both of us, Pft … mother lessons needed.

“Yeah sure. Is my room still the same?” I asked annoyed. I bet they had thought about turning my room into a games room for dad or a resting room for mum.

“Yes it’s still the same honey” she said sweetly as she pulled me into another hug. “…I know you hated the idea of another year in that school but it’s for your own good” she continued. Yeah right, if she expected a well educated with good manners girl … she better stick out that idea from the big head she has. I’m who I am … a clumsy, bubbly, simple girl and that’s all I want to be.
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This is written by [jobros4me] and [jkn4fluff]
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