Double Trouble

It takes two

Have you ever felt like you don’t even know who you are anymore, I mean when you’re young you have really high hopes about your future and than everything you ever dreamed about just doesn’t happen? That’s me right now.

Don’t take life seriously. No one is getting out alive anyway.

That’s what I used to say, but now I know that you have to take every possibility you can from it. Take the good with the bad, forgive but never forget and always try to achieve. For me there are two classifications in life … the losers and the winners. I’m for sure in the loser one … I look at myself and tell what did I do in this life that really satisfied me? Want to know the answer – NOTHING, I didn’t achieve my dreams (becoming a model was listed in it) and I ended up in a boarding school instead of college.

Until now, I’m going to stick with this-I hope you do it as well. The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created--created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating.

Okay I’m going to stop with the all nothingness, I’m going to end up boring you. The next move you’ll do is press the X button at the top and I don’t want that to happen. Keep reading! =D

I always had one addiction in my life – Starbucks. Who ever invented Starbucks is definitely my hero, me without Starbucks it’s like not me at all.

Today I made up my mind to go around New Jersey, seeing if everything I remembered was still there. Like the park were I learned for the first time to ride the bike … and the local restaurant were I went for my first date – seeing these places reminds me a lot of the past. Then I headed directly to Starbucks.

I opened the door and entered in … everything was the same. I smiled and made my way to the counter. “Lucy!!” I yelled as the blonde short waitress looked at me.

“Oh my god, where have you been it’s been so long?!” she exclaimed. I just smiled, nobody knew I was kicked out of home to go in a boarding school. “The usual I guess?” she asked surely and I nodded. Caramel Macchiato – that’s my usual … it’s my secret obsession. She handed it to me and I noticed that everyone was giving me an evil look. Yeah right I just skipped the whole line … they can just go and suck there big toe, I don’t care about them.

I took a sip of my drink and smiled as I tasted its flavor … If you haven’t tasted it yet, go and do it or we’re not friends anymore. Get it? I hope so. Suddenly…

I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around my body, whoever it was had the most amazing scent I’ve ever smelled. I turned around shocked and than I felt a pair of soft lips touching my wet ones. I couldn’t help but to love the feeling but I realized I didn’t even know who the person was. What if it was an ugly stranger who just goes and kisses girls in the road ! I pushed him away all at ones and that was the moment I realized it was Joe Jonas. The one who’s dating my twin sister … yeah Joe fuckin Jonas in person.

Lead me not into temptation… I can find it myself.

What have I done to him?! I can swear he hates me! (if some dumb person didn’t get it, I’m referring to God here)

“Hey Alexis baby “ he said as he pecked another kiss on the corner of my lips. Oh god, from my experience I swear he’s definitely on my top 10 of the best kissers. I literally couldn’t catch my breath.

“Um hi, what are you doing here?” I asked as I raised my brow. That was the only thing that came into my mind… deal with it.

“You can be really pointless sometimes. I’m buying something to drink silly” he said as he kept staring at me like he was noticing something unusual. Right. Beauty spot. I traveled my hand onto my chin and smiled again. “I thought you didn’t like coffee?” he asked again looking at my cup. What was he a question machine?!

“Oh I bought it for a friend. I almost forgot she’s waiting for me. Bye Joe see you soon sweetie” I said rushing outside the room. Good work Blair, really not noticeable. And what’s with the sweetie thing.

That was really close. It’s better if I hurry up and go home, before ending up with Joe Jonas following my ass! And thanks God he didn’t say anything about the beauty spot! But it was like I felt something pushing me to him, to tell the truth he’s a bombastic kisser! [Exaggerating here] but I think you already noticed it. Ha-ha.

I reached my destination back home, so I could be safe there, with no damn trouble approaching to my way – currently trouble follows me like a magnet. Finally I was home as I was opening the door a head of a guy with glasses popped out. It startled me almost taking 5 years of my damn life. No surprise like the old days it was Squeezy – I know funny name.

‘Hey Blair, it’s been long time since I’ve seen you last! Where have you been? , you don’t even know how much I missed you!’ he informed me.

Well, something really important to know about Squeezy , is that he’s a stupid teenage kid, with no sense in his mind, he’s a jerk and a psycho. He likes those disgusting things called insects, in one word he’s pretty strange. Even from his name you take that impression. I think that his mom really liked squeezers, to name her boy Squeezy! I mean, what kind of name is Squeezy?

Something I forgot to tell you… he’s the fucking neighbor.

‘Oh! Hi Squeezer! Long time no seen… I was in boarding school that’s why I wasn’t around’ I informed him annoyed. By the way that’s the nick name I gave him – Squeezer.

‘Oh cool and what kind of school is that?’ he asked intently and giving me a confused school.

God I beg you help the ones in need like Squeezy.

‘It’s basically a school for wild girl and stuff. Make sure you keep your mouth shut about it’ I said. No! I don’t want the entire neighbor hood to know that I ended up in boarding school. I’ve got a rep to protect.

‘Your wish is my command Blair. So what do you say if you and I go out sometime?’ he asked for the millionth time by now.

‘Um, I think you dream a lot Squeeze’ I said with a laugh as I went into the kitchen.

Why didn’t he asked my sister out for a date! She’s just like me. Same face, figure, eyes, smile, hair and whatever! I always find the ugly once and she just has the sexiest guys ever! [Strictly speaking] NOT FAIR!

‘I heard everything, why won’t you go out with him?’ my mother asked and I gave her a disgusted look. Even the thought of him kissing me make me throw up. ‘He’s such a nice guy’ she added.

Yeah right, the only reason she wanted me to date him is that she was sure that he wouldn’t put a hand on me. Good plan mom but I’m not falling for it.

Such a wonderful life huh?
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