Double Trouble


I was on the couch seeing an episode of Gossip Girl, yeah it’s totally my favorite tv show ... xoxo. When I heard the door opening again. Now it’s definitely my sister. At least Joe had gone without any trace.

Oh god … what if I had his scent all over my body or –
Breathe Blair, it’s going to be fine. Fuck. I totally sound like a pregnant woman in labor.

“Hey B, What have you been up to?” my sister asked as I followed her into the kitchen. She grabbed an apple from the table and took a bite. Something I didn’t mention about my sister is that she’s a vegetarian. She ones said ‘I’ve been a vegetarian for years now, I’m not being judgmental about others who aren’t, I just feel I cannot eat or wear living creatures’. She has a point but come on eating only vegetables is torture – I hate vegetables.

“Nothing much, just passing time with our dork of a neighbor” I said lying of course. I noticed my sister looking at me suspiciously, so I avoided to make eye contact with her.

“B, why the hell did you done that beauty spot on your face?” she asked suspicious while I rubbed it off. I totally forgot about it. Think of something quick Blair. Really QUICK!

“Um, oh yeah … just … wanting Squeeze to think I was you” I blurted out while she giggled.

No! Don’t call me a liar now! I’m just doing it for good … or worst?

Quit the thinking Blair she’s falling for it like crazy.

“Don’t forget I already have a boyfriend” she said with a smirk. Yeah right, how could I forget?!

Pretty astonishing huh? I mean my talent as an actor is totally amazing. It had been hidden for years and now it become part of my life and routine.

“I’ll be right back … I’m going to give Joe a call to ask him if he wants to pass by tonight” she said smiling. Oh no please don’t … why would she do that?! It was mum and dad’s anniversary so she took the opportunity, wise!

“Um, okay … so I’ll make sure to go out tonight” I said as I gulped. Please don’t say you want me to stay and meet him. Please listen to my prayers God.

“No, I want you to stay here to meet him. You would love him” she said hopping to her room. Fuck! Thanks God… are you busy or something? After 5 minutes she returned back to the kitchen with a bigger smile … oh how I wish I could tear that smile off.

“Yay … Joe’s coming tonight for dinner” she yelled happily. A little exaggerated but whatever. I literally gulped at the words DINNER, TONIGHT and most of all JOE. I rushed upstairs totally sick … how could I manage everything tonight. I mean with Joe and an identical sister running in the house.

I was beginning to think that my life was becoming interesting but now it’s the total opposite. And no if you’re thinking that I was the one who put myself into it … I’m not. Joe started it all.


Plan for tonight:

-Avoiding them and eye contact.
-Making myself unrecognizable.

Yeah that’s the plan … just two points. That’s all I could come up with.

“Blair he’s going to be here in a minute … make sure you’ll be ready” she yelled from downstairs.

“Um sure” I mumbled. I heard the door bell ringing.

Plan in Action!

First thing – I’m wearing a robe and a towel around my head … and yeah to keep myself unrecognizable I put mask all over my face. What an impression Joe’s gonna get? I don’t want to know!

“Blair come downstairs, he’s here” she said while I made my way to the stairs.

Inhale in and out. In and out. In and out. Oh stop it Blair.

“Blair?! I thought you said you didn’t have a sister and that--.” I heard him asking. He was going to spit the shit out of his mouth so I literally jumped the last three stairs and I was now officially in front of them.

My sister’s mouth totally dropped as she gave me and evil eye while Joe started laughing. Oh good I made him laugh at me … is that good or bad?

“Blair, you said you were going to be ready by this time” she said angrily.

“Um, no you assumed … I just got out of the shower” I said honestly. “Oh and I’m Blair” I said as I went on Joe and shook his hand.

“I’m Joe, it’s nice to meet you” he said smiling while I leaned to give him a kiss on his cheek. It’s something polite to do when meeting someone okay?. But do you want to know what happened next?

Joe’s cheeks were covered with the green mask I had all over my face. It was a scene to be captured, it was a great fuck I didn’t have any cameras nearby.

“Blair go upstairs now!” she said angrily while she went into the kitchen.

“I’m so sorry for that. And by the way it’s really nice to meet you too” I said as I made my way back up.

“Joe come in the kitchen” I heard my sister yell as he obeyed like a puppy dog. I shook my head and headed back to my room.

Well personally it didn’t went that bad. Right?

I rubbed the mask from my face and changed into some clothes. There was a party nearby that was totally waiting for Blair Anderson to show up. I changed into a dark denim jeans, red shirt and black vest. Simple but cool. I added a little make up and I was ready to go.

Now, second plan in action – the one to go out of the house without any noise. Well, for this one I didn’t actually had a plan. I walked on my toes very slowly and intently. They were in the living room watching tv, as I rolled onto the ground and hid myself behind the couch.

I was resembling myself to be an under-cover agent. Yeah right I wish! I made my way to the kitchen so I could pass from the back door.

Because of my sister’s selfishness – she didn’t even consider if I was hungry or not. Yeah right, I ended up without eating tonight. I opened the fridge to see what there was left – wow only those revulsion things my sister eats (vegetables). God must love me, there was still some pieces of pizza in the fridge. I grabbed the plate but because of clumsiness self it fell.

“Blair are you all right?” Alexis yelled as I heard them approaching to the kitchen.

Why do I have the feeling that everything I do is becoming really risky.

Again with it … think of something fast or you’re gonna get caught.

Cake! Cake! Cake!

Yeah the next second I had literally dumped my face into the cake that my sister and I had prepared for our parents anniversary.

I heard the door open and a gasp from my sister’s mouth, as I turned around smiling.

“Hi, we did a great job Alexis. This cake is yummy” I said as I licked some of the it from my face.

“Blair what’s happening to you, first you show up dressed like that now this” she said angrily as she made herself out of the kitchen.

“Don’t listen to her, she’s just stressed” Joe said smirking at me. The next thing he did was to let his finger travelling along my face and lick it. “You’re right this thing is good” he said laughing.

My question right now … what the hell did he saw in my sister? She doesn’t know how to have fun, I do. I can swear she never made him smile … and look at me he had been laughing with everything I did.

“Told you … better go to see if she’s alright. See you soon Joe” I said as I took off with a cloth the stuff onto my face.
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And lovlies this is the next chapter ^^ .... 5 comments for an update.
Love every single one of you and remember ... Comments=Updates + love