Love At First Smoke


I stared back at this tiny crazy girl infront of me.
"Yes" rang through my ears, repeating itself over and over.
Lavender sat there, perched over the table, staring at me.Smiling. I felt teh blood rush to my face, and i shly smiled back.
"You're too fucking cute" She said, smiling creepily.
"And you're one big fucking creeper." I said laughing.
She laughed, and stuck out her toung at me. I'm glad the whole "You're not eating" thing had slipped her mind. I really didn't need to deal with that shit.We finally wandered out of the cafe. I was glad. The food smell reminded me of my lack of food for the past two days, and it fainly made me feel something I didn't want to feel-hungry.

Lavender took my breath away. I mean, I knew she was beautiful, but, looking at her, against all the rushing cars, against the sun...She was beautiful.The way her black and brown hair shined in the sun. The way her green eyes shined agaist her eyeliner. Fuck.She was beautiful. Why the fuck was she dating me? I was fat. Ugly. Lavenders hand latching onto mine grabbed me from my train of thought.

She pulled me into a store, and showed me some cute top. And then she bought it. When she was in line for it, I relized the shirt was a boys shirt. What? When we left the store I meant to tell her, and then she thrusted the bag into my hands, and smiled innocently.
"What the fuck Lavender? I don't want you buying me-"
"Shut teh fuck up. I have money, I can't have that money when I get home." She whispered.
"Because then he will take it, adn all my work will go to nothing,at least when you have something, all my work was worth something."

I stared at her, and she kissed me. "you are too fucking cute" she said, dragging me into another store.
This time, her perchase, was thankfully for herself. We wandered around some more, and finally, she looked at her phone for the time.
"Oh fuck."
With that, she pulled me, walking faster and faster towards the subway station.
"Lavender?' I asked.
"Look, I'll call you tonight, about all of this. I, Do you wanna stay here? I ahve to go.."
"No, I'll come with you."
We took the train home, Lavender the whole way was tapping her leg in anticipation of getting home. I was starting to get scared for Lavender myself. At least the weekends Steve was out of the house...I was scared Lavender had a 'steve' at her house.
We got on the bus in silence.Finally, Lavenders stop arrived.She kissed, and promised she'd call.
With that, I was left on the bus alone, still in shock from todays events.
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