Talk Is Cheap and Lies Are Expensive

This takes place after the series ends. X-men and the Brotherhood and the Acolytes are okay with eachother, so there are other emenmies.

Title Credit: Walking Contradiction by Green Day

Disclaimer: this story will more likely be updated alot. I have had this story in my head for years, just with somethings twisted. Also when I write something like this: I-D-K; L-O-L, J-K, or any chatspeak like that with hyphens I'm not saying I don't know, laughing out loud etc. I'm saying the letters jk lol idk brb etc. etc. It's how I talk in real life and will be how most of the characters will talk. Also this story will be in many different POV's but mainly Liana's, Lance's, and Professor X's. I don't own the X-Men, Brotherhood, Apoclytes, or the New Mutants. But I do own Liana Alvers, Ian Spinner, MaoZhi Ng, the Hunters, Madison Miles, Zuleika Yoshi Hinote, Candac "Candee" Merrill, Ozzie "Azul" Mathews.