
Adding to the Noise

"Where have you three been!? I said for you to be home by 10:00, it’s now 1:30! You had me worried sick! I can’t believe you didn’t even ca~!”

Receiving an ear full from Mrs. Weasly isn’t the most entertaining thing to do on a Saturday night, it never ends. Like a huge run on sentence of blah, blah, blahing. The fifteen-year-old stared blankly at the short red head woman before her. Most likely going cross eyed from her lack of focus.

The Weasly twins stood on either side of her, exchanging glances, obviously just wanting to get it all over with. Mrs. Weasly paused, their eyes glistened, only to have her start up again. They sighed, it was like listening to a broken record.

“…and look at you now, you’re dripping water all over my clean floors! Why are you three wet at all for the matter!?”

Fred answered. “We went swimming.”

“At this time of night?”

“Pretty much.”

“With your clothes on?”

The girl blushes madly, clearly embarrassed that Molly would even think that way about Fred, George, and her’s relationship.

After her two, dearly beloved parents disappeared three years ago, Molly had insisted on her living with them. Despite the young girl’s protest, she ended up residing there anyway. Having no other choice; no place to go.

“Of course mother! Why would you even ask something like that?!” George blurted while waving his hands in the air for extra effect.

“Well, you are teenagers after all. I don’t know what you do when you’re not here.” A smug reply.

“Well, it’s defiantly not that, okay?” snapped the girl, annoyed beyond belief.

“There’s no need to get snippy. I’m just looking out for you. Besides, how would you feel if you were to get pregnant, and at this young age!”

She blushed. “Jesus Christ Molly! Ugh, I’m going to bed!” Clapping her hands over her ears, she ran straight up stairs, humiliated.

Fred and George shared a laugh despite their current conversation, enjoying the entertainment with bright eyes.

Fred backed away slightly. “Look, mum, we would love to continue this conversation but-”

“But we have to head off the bed.” George finished, rushing up the stairs, Fred right behind him.

“Night,” The twins called, disappearing into the upstairs hallway.

Ginny, Harry, and Ron chuckled from the kitchen, have watched the whole thing. Start to finish. Oh, Fred and George really had it coming tomorrow.

Thumping of feet could be heard throughout the cozy Weasly residence, heading to the utterly embarrassed teenage girls room at the end of the hall. Loudly, her door was swung open, a sigh of impatience erupting from her pale, pink lips.

“It’s called knocking.”

“It’s called we don’t care.” Counteracted George, flopping down to meet the floor beside her bed.

“Were you really that upset?” Fred asked, a smug grin spread across him face, up to no good; the girl presumed.

“No,” She scoffed. “In your dreams.”

“Oh do you hear that George; in our dreams?”

“Yes I believe I did. We must be dreaming then. Do you agree Fred?”

“Yes, dreaming indeed.”


“Shut up!” She interrupted she bellowed, pushing Fred. Hoping he would fall off her bed, though he didn’t, much to her disapproval.

“Oh come on Nikki. Did you really think we were serious?” Asked George. Nikki shuffled in her bed, sighing.

“Alright let’s do this; after we finish up in Diagon Alley, we’ll take you out to eat. Chinese food, your favorite, how’s that?”

“What am I some sorta Chinese food prostitute? An egg roll and rice and it’s supposed to make everything better?!”

“Bloody hell Nikki! What do you want from us?!” Fred laughed slightly.

“I want you two to get out!”

George rolled his eyes, propping his hands on each side of Nikki so he could hover over her; she recoiled. “Please Nikki, you know you love us.”

“Do not! You two think your charming personalities and British accents can get you through everything in life, but it can‘t! Not all Americans like British accents, including me!”

“Do to,”

She sighed in defeat.

They all were smart enough to know, no madder how many times they would bicker of the simplest things, no madder how many times they would get mad at each other and refused to talk for day, the three of them were best friends. There was just no denying.

“See, was that so hard?” Fred asked, standing.

“Whatever, I have to get to bed. Goodnight,” She turned over, knowing Fred and George were already near the door.

“You know, it’s not smart to go to sleep with us in here. We could take advantage of you.” Fred called, taking into effect earlier’s conversation.

“Get out!” She yelled angrily, they left, and only a few minutes later her door was cracked open. She mumbled a curse under her breath, flipping onto her back to get a closer look at who was at her door. Nikki was pretty sure she already knew though. Fred and George; it was.

“Don’t forget about Diagon Alley tomorrow.” Reminded George.

“I think you should were that skirt Ginny got you.” Fred informed.

“That thing is so short!”

“Exactly!” Chanted the twins, immediately receiving an alarm clock thrown their way. They ducked from the door, closing it behind them. The clock shattered.

Christ, were these three ever going to act their ages?
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Maybe I'll get some feedback on this. God, Mibba's feedback sucks...