Vampire Sunrise

One and Only

She stood on a roof top only thinking of the one she lost. On the roof top she saw only shades of gray, that was the dominant color of this night’s surroundings, the dominant color of her mood.

The moon didn’t shine the way it used to. The old, gray, stone gargoyles weren’t even illuminated in her eyes even though the lights from the city below were shining up to them.
In her eyes is was all darkness.

It had been darkness since his disappearance.

She loved that boy. She loved him in ways she had once deemed impossible.

She was going to be Mrs. Ethan Janes.

Now she’s not even technically a widow, even though she felt like one.

Her world fell that day, the morning she received the call she knew her world would never be the same.

It had been only a week since he disappeared and she had already given everything up, just left it to rot, she didn’t care.

She hadn’t eaten in days, if someone didn’t find her soon she would die on that roof.

She sat down by one of the large dark gray stone gargoyles, because she was weak and couldn’t stand anymore.

She suddenly heard the sound of footsteps.

She didn’t care, what’s the worst anyone could do to her now?

The wind blew.

The wind carried with it the stranger’s scent, the smell of their cologne.

Her body stiffened.

From shock and disbelief, not fright.

She knew this smell, far better then she knew her own.

She turned her face toward the stranger slowly, hopefully.

Her eyes were not disappointed when they landed on their target and came across a familiar face that she knew was no stranger.

“Ethan?” She asked softly, her voice hoarse she could hardly recognize it herself.

“Yes my love.” He said softly, gently, back to her as he stepped closer to the woman he loved.

She was to her feet as fast as the weakness would allow.

She wobbled, he moved to catch her so fast he became a blur to her eyes. He caught her around the waist to keep her from falling.

“You’re not dead.” She sounded almost like she thought she was hallucinating. Maybe she was, maybe this was her mind’s final out cry before she died.

“No Lilliane, not quite.” He said as he held her up effortlessly, pulling her close to his tall thin frame looking into her eyes that were ‘eternal blue.’ He didn’t really get what he meant by eternal blue either, it was just the name he gave them.

Her eyes were this blue that seemed to go on forever.

“In some sense of the word yes, but I still walk and talk.” He continued.

Lilliane didn’t care about his words, she just cared that he was there with her.

She wrapped her arms around him just to feel that same old warmth, the warmth that she remembered him having.

But he wasn’t warm anymore.

She moved back from him, only slightly, afraid that if she let go he would disappear forever.

“You’re so cold are you ok?” She asked only concerned for him even though she was the one who was obviously worse for wear.

“This is just me now.” He said feeling slightly less comfortable knowing that she moved away from him and she didn’t even know the half of it. He imagined how she would react if she knew it all.

“I’m glad you’re ok.” She moved back finding comfort in the cold that was now his engulfing her. She didn’t mind the cold as long as it was his cold. “Where were you?”

“I was going through some changes.” He replied quietly as he shifted his eye away from her. Obviously not proud of whatever was going on.

“What do you mean going through changes?” She was apprehensive now wondering what that meant.

Did that mean he’d moved past her? Had he found someone else? Would she be alone again regardless of the fact that she had found him?

“It’s not what you think, not in the least. If I told you you’d probably assume I’d gone mad.” He said dismissing the fears that had just wandered through her mind, as if he knew them, while exposing a few of his own.

“I could never think you’ve gone mad.” She said with her voice understanding, only caring that he wasn’t leaving her.

“I’m a vampire Lily.” He said it -not like it was normal- like it was terrible, shameful.

“Than I get you forever.” She said with hope lacing her every word. She sensed that something was wrong, there was something he wasn’t saying.

“No Lily.” He said firmly and compassionately, it hurt him too. “I came here to die.”

“How? You Can’t!” Her sentences came out in frantic fragments. She was pushed to the edge of sanity again, just like when they told her he was gone.

“Darling you don’t know what it’s like. I have to kill to live! It’s monstrous! Why should so many be forced to die for just one to live? I feel like monster Lily. I’m a beast! A killer!” His new found self-loathing caused the end to be far louder than ever intended, but she cut him off there before he could continue.

“I love you!” Was all that had to shriek from her mouth.

That silenced him.

“I already thought you were dead, murdered, but now I have to know that you killed yourself. How do you think I’ll feel about that?” Her eyes were clouded with tears for the millionth time this week.

“But darling it’s not about you, you should be glad you’re not stuck with a monster like me.” He said honestly, cupping her face with his left hand.

“If you’re a monster than so am I. I’m already stuck to you Ethan. I’m a part of you and you’re a part of me, remember? You said it.” She fought him, she wanted him to know he couldn’t leave her.

He stiffened when she said that. “Please let me go Lily. I’m dying. I can’t live like this. The sun is coming to take me away in just a short few hours. Let me go.” He had trouble trying to keep the tears from his eyes.

“Than let me die with you. I cannot go on without you Ethan, you see that don’t you? Look at me, the scythe on the pendulum hangs over me already, I’m already on death’s doorstep. Why not let me walk through holding your hand?” She now fought to die with him.

“I can’t!” He said back trying to move from her.

“You Can!” She snapped holding him close so he wouldn’t move.

He could have broken free from her, he was physically strong enough to break away from her when she was her strongest with ease, but he couldn’t break away for emotional weakness that being a vampire couldn’t compensate for.

“Lily...” He sighed hardly above a whisper.

He closes his eyes and lost himself in his thought and her intoxicating smell. All he could think of was her; her narrow waist that his arm was draped around, her beautiful eyes that were peering up at him that very moment, and all the amazing memories they shared. Without him she would, without a doubt, die and with him she would die too. No real choice was provided to him.

“Ethan, what would I do without you?” She pressed quietly only slightly louder than he had been moments before.

What could he say? He knew that she wouldn’t let herself live without him. He’d hoped she’d move on but finding her here on this rooftop told him she wouldn’t.

He didn’t say a word he just bent his neck so he could kiss her neck and after the soft sweet kiss he bared his fangs and gently bit down.

She didn’t even flinch back in result of the pain of the bite.

He drained her as much as he could without letting death pull her under.

After that was done he took out the small pocket knife he’d kept on him since he was 15.

Lily had given it to him.

He used that little red pocket knife to make a cut on his neck for her to drink from.

They stood there locked in that vampire kiss, locked at each other’s throats, for what seemed like an eternity.

Until the pain began. The pain of her death, her mortal death and birth into immortality. An immortal that was only bound to die.

She let go and writhed in pain within his arms.

He let go of her throat once he felt it coming. Now he just held her in his arms and lowered her to the ground where it would be easier to hold her.

On the ground he lay next to her, wrapping all of his limbs around her body to help keep her still.

They lay like that for the last hours of the night.

Her pain only ceased minutes before sunrise.

Her transformation complete.

He loosened his grip on her seeing as he wouldn’t need to hold her down anymore.

“Darling the colors are so much more vibrant.” She whispered in total awe.

The colors were remarkable to her new eyes, even the grays that are so dull to human eyes were as vibrant as the most outrageous blue, pink, purple, or green that you could ever imagine.

“Yes my love all colors are like that now.” He smiled because all he could think about was how adorable she was when she was awe struck.

She looked into his big blue eyes.

“Your eyes dance even when you’re relaxed and no light shines on them.” The awe hadn’t faded, her face was still covered in it.

He only smiled and leaned in to gently kiss her lips.

“The sun is rising love. It’s our time.” He said slowly reverently.

He grabbed her hands and started to stand, helping her along the way.

They could have lived an eternity but they were satisfied to die then; together.

They stood looking at each other hands entwined.

They knew the sun was speeding in their direction, their new senses told them that, death was almost there.

A melancholy feeling swept over them.

They weren’t sure what was about to happen but at lest they’d be together.

They sadly yet perfectly embraced amongst the cold stone gargoyles just before the sun rose.

They died there in each other’s arms.

If only you could have seen the colors of the sunrise the way they did.