Status: I'm working on revising and posting a new chapter...I know it's been forever!

Somewhere to Belong

Alexandria Lily Haner's parents died when she was 16. She moved in with her aunt and uncle, Brian Haner Jr.s parents. The guys had already made it big so it was only Alex and her aunt and uncle in the house. Shortly after she turned 17 she up and left. None of them had seen her since. Now at 20, she's ready to go back, to fix things, but will it be the same?

Rating changed for just in case....

Banner by Ashley Out Loud! Thanks hun!

*Banner made by me, I know its crappy >.<
A7X Fic.

**The information in the story may not all be true, or things may come up later in the story that weren't included in the beginning. If I owned them, we'd all be happy right? Ok, so I'd be happy. Critisism and comments are more than welcome. This is my first fanfic in a supper long time.