Teach what you have to learn

Look at me


It was interesting how much the two of them fight. I thought innocently as I listened to Alex and Jack fighting over who would be sitting on which chair in the interview. I walked over to
the noise and touched someone’s shoulder.

“Hey Sara.” Zack stated before patting my hand on his shoulder. He was such a nice guy. I wish that I could physically see them so I didn’t need someone’s help guiding me to them.

“Shut up!” I screamed. It sounded much more like a screech. I don’t raise my voice that often so it usually sounds weird when I do. I noticed that all noise around me had stopped. I was glaring at the spot where I knew they both were. “I have never in my life heard to little bitches go at it.” I spat in an angry voice. I heard someone gasp. “I hope this makes you all see how much you are pissing people off with your fucking pointless fighting.” I stated before turning on my heel and walking. I had no idea where I was going but I just knew that I was not going to be near any of them.

I heard footsteps running after me and I huffed before stopping. The person’s arms wrapped around me and I wanted to slap Jack in the face. I knew it wouldn’t be a wise thing to do because I was most likely not going to hit his face. That didn’t stop my body from moving. That didn’t stop my hand from actually hitting the person square in the face. That didn’t stop me from kicking him in the shin. I couldn’t figure out what had made me do such things to him. My reasoning was blown away and replaced with anger. I guess it was mainly because I hated it when people fought. My father and mother fought so much.

“Baby,” Jack stated voice breaking because of the shock. “I’m sorry I know how much you hate fighting.” Jack stated sadly before his arms were around me again. I was angry at them for doing that but for some reason I felt sick to the stomach. I felt as if there was another reason for them fighting.

“What were you two fighting over?” I asked dumbly. I knew that he wouldn’t tell me the truth. I wonder if he knew his voice wavered slightly when he lied. I wondered if he knew that he had a somewhat of a stutter. His voice was always softer when he lied. I wish I could look him in the eyes and tell him I knew these things for a fact.

“We are having problems with each other right now is all.” At least I could tell he wasn’t completely lying to me.

“Who is the cause for this?”

“No one Alex is just being selfish. He wants something that he can’t have.”

“Then what am I supposed to do?” It was annoying really having to deal with their problems when I can’t tell you one physical future that I have personally seen.

“I just want you to be here for me.” He stated happily before I felt his lips touch my forehead. I snuggled into his arms and I heard him chuckle before nodding his head. “Sar Bear.” He stated quietly and I rolled my eyes. I hope that nickname won’t stick with me to the end of time. I might die if anyone besides them heard it.

“Where is Jack?” A female voice asked curiously. I lifted my head from Jack’s chest before looking around me.

“He is with his girlfriend.” Alec sighed and I smiled before nodding my head.

“The interview is starting.” I told Jack because he obviously wasn’t letting go of me.

“I’ll get there in time.” He stated and I laughed before pushing him away from me.

“No you’re going over there right now.” I stated sternly making him laugh and wrap an arm
around my shoulder and guiding were I assumed the interview was taking place.

“Oh Jack it’s a pleasure to see you again.” I scrunched up my nose when I heard the utterly fake sounding voice. Something about it just didn’t seem right to me.

“Hi, Valerie its pleasure to see you again.” Jack stated his voice kind of breaking a little. I
smiled happily because I knew he was lying.

“Yes and who is this?” She asked curiously.

“This is Sara she is my girlfriend.” He stated proudly making me nod my head in agreement. I heard the clicking sound of heels walk closer to me and I raised my eyebrows before looking over at Jack.

“Well it’s a pleasure meeting Jack’s girlfriend.” She stated and I nodded before moving my head around the room. Jack grabbed my hand and placed it in someone else’s making me jump. “What is wrong with you?” The girl, Valerie snapped and I tried my best to glare at her.

“Sorry I’m blind.” I snapped at her making her laugh once.

“I would appreciate if you wouldn’t be so rude to my girlfriend she is blind.

“Oh I’m sorry to hear that.” Yeah like I’m sorry to have to hear you voice.
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comment please or something :)