
Ryan is silent. Always. Constantly. He offers up a few words here and there when absolutely necessary, maybe a grunt or two, but other than that he is completely mute. It is never enough to let Brendon into his head. Ever. Ryan could never make that mistake.

Brendon hates it. Hates having to do all the talking. All the time, talk talk talk. He doesn’t usually talk so much, but now he is talking for the both of them. Because Ryan hates talking. He despises it with every damn ounce of his being. He isn’t good at. Horrible, actually. He never knows what to say.

It is slowly driving Brendon completely and undeniably insane. He is beginning to doubt everything that has ever been with Ryan. Why won’t he just fucking say something already!?

Apology story.
Written for a Mibbian, based on real event. She probably knows who she is.
One shot.
1,190 words.
Beta-ed by Jamie.