Mon Chéri

  1. Ch.1 With Profile.
    Ok. This is the first chapter and the profile. I'm not a consistent updater so this might take a while. Enjoy
  2. Ch.2
    Read the authors notes! It will make Remy's family tree less confusing.
  3. Ch.3
  4. Ch.4
    Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Enjoy
  5. Ch.5
    YAY! Another update for all of you good fans :) Sorry I left ya hanging. Enjoy.
  6. Ch.6
    Another update for mon lovely readers :)
  7. Ch.7
  8. Ch.8
    I am so sorry for the lack of updating in the last couple of weeks but I have been out of town and just got back Saturday morning. Enjoy
  9. Ch.9
    Ello my lovely readers :) Sorry about my lack of updates, I'm a lazy individual. Enjoy
  10. Ch.10
    I re-opened it because I didn't like then ending.
  11. Ch. 11
    I thought the ending was ok but a different one would be better. Enjoy
  12. Ch.12
    Ello readers. You might want to re-read the last ones because I changed a few things. Enjoy
  13. Ch.13
    Another chapter for moi lovely readers.
  14. Ch.14
  15. Ch.15 THE END