Mon Chéri

Ch. 11

I fell asleep after I vowed to never forgive Monsieur LeBeau. The next day I woke up very early and went downstairs to make breakfast for the kids in the mansion to give a break to whoever usually does it.

When I got downstairs I found someone already sitting at the table. It was a scruffy looking man who was reading the paper. He looked rather tired as well.

"Good morni-"

He jumped up just after I said good, I didn't mean to startle him. When he saw it was just me he relaxed and continued what he was doing.

"Would you like any breakfast?"

"Sure. What are you doing up so early kid?"

"I'm not a kid! I'm 22!"

"Well I'm a lot older so you are still a kid to me. Now what are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep. What about you? Not many people wake up at 5:45 for just for kicks."


I started to make pancakes, fruit, bacon, eggs, and toast for the kids. I put it on the table and sat down after I cleaned up all of the dishes. I brought to plates and forks with me and set one down by the man with the newspaper. I think his name was wolverine/logan.

"Thanks. So why were you in Canada?"

"So why are you here?"

"Look this isn't 20 questions."

"What? Only you are allowed to ask?"

"Hmmm shut up and eat your breakfast kid!"

"I'm not a kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"