Mon Chéri


I knew i was being over dramatic, and if this was a normal situation, I would probably care. But this wasn't a normal situation, at least not for me, and I really don't know how to deal with ex-boyfriends because i haven't ad that many.

After speaking my mind to Remy I marched up to my room and slamed the door for a little angry pazzaz. I'm sure Remy appreciates it.

I flopped down on my bed and just started thinking,

*I have to go down there eventually to eat. And he will probably be waiting there. But I can still coldly ignore him for at least a few more hours.*

I sat on my bed thinking about such things when I looked at the clock.

*8:30 already!!!!!!! Guess I should go down there and get something to eat.*

Now assume the position! Angry eyes, sexy hair, lip slightly pursed together, booty at a slight angle, swing hips a tiny bit while walking, and we are set! Now I want some dinner!

I walked through the hallways and made to the dinning hall in no time. When I got there everyone's favorite jerk off was eating. I walked over to the fridge to grab some left over noodles, but before I got there SOMEONE got in my way!

"Chéri pl-"

"Stuff it cajun! I don't want to hear it! Do me a huge favor and leave me alone."


"Fine. have it your way." Then i took my hand, grabbed his arm, and sent little waves of electircity running up his arm.

"Mon dieu!"


"Non chéri! Not till you hear Remy out."

"Fine, but nothing you can say can make this right.

"I know."

"You better. Now start talking before we have an instant replay of what just happened."