Mon Chéri


"I was only doing it to protect you, Chéri. Your father was planning on assasinating you the next time he saw you for dis obeying him!"

"That is still no excuse for going behind my back. Did the thought of telling me this ever pass through your concrete head?"

"Well it did, but Remy thought you would get angry, and Remy was right."

"You sure as hell were right monsieur. Now what do you think you accomplished by telling me this? I'm still mad at you. Once you betray my trust it is hard to get it back."

"Well Remy was hoping to at least get you to stop being made at 'em. And that we could maybe be something."

"Did you not hear anything I just said?''

"Of course I did, but can Remy ask you a question?"


"Do you still love Remy? Just a little? Do we have a one in a million chance of getting back together?"

I genuinly thought about it. And when I looked at him he had changed. He was a little wiser, I little less of a womanizer, a little sweeter, and a little more scruffy. A few words rangin my mind.

*He changed for you. He looked for you. And the only reason he kept it from you was so that he didn't mess with your relationship. He was trying to protect you from being killed!*

"I ...Think that I...could still maybe love you. You just have to give me time. What you did was...."


"....Odd. I don't hate you, but I don't love right now either. Give me a little time."

"I would wait forever for you Chéri."

I smiled at him.

"Now move so i can get my noodles!"

"Same ol' Chéri"

---------------1 Month Later--------------------

Its been a very long month for Remy and I. We have had our ups and downs and I still refuse to kiss him.

And i swear, he thinks he's dying. But I'm saving it for when he leasts expects it. Now actually would be a good time to spring it on him.

Remy was sleeping sitting up on the couch, somehow, and was snoring slightly.

*Perfect. Sneak up him, give him a smooch, and run before he catches me.*

I walked very quietly to where he was slumbering and sat gently on him lap. strandling him. I bent my head foward and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Then I almost got all the way off his lap when I heard him say,

"You ain't gettin' away dat easy Chéri."

I smirked at him and took off in a mad sprint away from the scene of the crime, with Remy hot on my tail. I was within 3 feet of my door when he tackled me.

"Did yo' really think you could sneak up on a theif? I was awake the whole time."

"Well I escaped from a theif, so I figured I could swing it." I said as I flipped us so I was on top, my legs on either side of him. He smirked and used his handsto pull me down to his face where we proceded to roll around and make out in the hallway for a good 30 minutes while succeding to gross out several students young and old.

Yep! This is the way things should be.

Remy and Ailey got married 3 years later and had 3 boys and 2 girls.
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And that is the end! For real this time lol. Hope you enjoyed it. and if you didn't, you can change the ending. Be my guest.