Mon Chéri


I walked into the restaurant and your friends looked up from getting into their uniforms.

"Hi Ailey. Is Your head OK? It looks a bit swollen," Asked my friend Claire. Cadence her sister looked up as well. "Yeah you don't look to hot, why don't-"

"She will stay here. We have a big party coming in for breakfast and we need someone who can deal with picky orders and get them right," My father said with a grin. " They are coming in at 9:00 and there will be many people there. Get back to work, and Ailey try not to look like a skank." He said the last part in a whisper when he past me so none of the others heard.With that your father left.

I put my hair in a high ponytail and I slipped on your uniform. My uniform was a fitting white dress and a waiters small apron, which was also white.

"Hey Cadence do you know who is coming today?" She gasped and looked at me like i had 5 eyes.

"Where have you been? The LeBeau clan is coming today for breakfast. *Sigh* Those Lebeau men are sooooo dreamy." Claire said with a sigh.

"Right. I'm going to set a table up for them. How many people are coming today?"

"I think that 10 people will be there. At least that is what the reservation says. I wonder why they would come here tho. Do you know what time it s Ailey? They should be here about nine.

I looked down at my watch and replied, "It is 8:58. We should probably get out there now."

Clair and Cadence nodded their heads and went to go lead some customers th their tables, which left me with my sisters.

"Don't try anything with any of the Lebeau's little sister or we will make sure that father knows about it." April said. April is one of my sisters.

"Yeah you wouldn't want to keep your sisters from happiness would you?" My other sister Angie said.

"Have you even met them before?'' I asked quietly.

They both laughed."What does that matter? They are one of the richest families in Louisiana. Their money is love enough for me." Angie said as she left to go wait on tables. This left me alone in the small break/work room.

'Grrrr. My sisters are so horrible! Gold-diggers. I bet you 10 to 1 that this family has a bunch of players in that only uses women. Hmph!' i left the break room slightly mad.

"Ailey, the LeBeaus are here. Could you go and take their drink order please?"

"Sure Claire. Be right back." I quickly walked over to the LeBeau table and had to hold back a gasp. OK so the men of the family were very good looking. But that was still no reason to fall head over heals for them. They probably knew that they looked good and used that to their advantage.

"Hello my name Ailey and I will be your server today. Can I start you with something to drink?" I took down their order and noticed how some of their eyes followed me. It kinda creep ed me out. I brought them their drinks and took their there breakfast order. When I got to one of them though, he gave me a bit of trouble.

"My, my, your a belle femme. Can i have you instead?" The man looked about your age. He looked tall even though he was sitting down and he had brown hair with intriguing red eyes. To be honest, his attitude was pissing me off.

"Sorry sir, but I'm not on the menu. May I suggest the waffles instead?" The other people around his table seemed to like the look on his face. I found it funny as well. He looked surprised, like I was the only woman to ever turn him down.

The rest of the table ordered and i broth their orders to the cook. I waited on other tables and I still noticed the man that tried to hit on me before watching me. When I got back to the kitchen the LeBeau's orders were done and I went to go deliver them to the table.

i had past out almost everyones orders when I got to the head of the table where I'm guessing the head of the family was. I put down his plate and was about to leave when he stopped me.

"I am sorry that you had to deal with my sons flirting. I will make sure you get an extra big tip." He smiled at you and you had to fight back a laugh. You had Delta with many other flirtatious customers.

"Thank you sir but it isn't necessary, I have Delta with it before. Enjoy your meal." I left them and went to wait on the other tables. I waited until the LeBeau's left and then I went to go clean their table and found a napkin and it said:

Bonjour Ailey. Here is my number, call me. 544-967-7789
From, Remy LeBeau.

I shook my head and stuck the note in garbage. He was one of those men who thinks they are Gods gift to women and I have no interest in them. 'I hope thats the last I see of him.'

I finished up the rest of the day and then got out of the door and started to walk home. The entire way home I felt like someone was watching me.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK Remy's family tree
Dad: Jean-Luc
Brothers:Emil and Henri
Uncle: Marc
Cousins:Etienne and Theoden
Now remember the character might not like Remy at first but she will warm up to him about....a hundred chapters from now. Jk. Comments? Questions? Ideas? Message me.