Mon Chéri


The rest of the day went by smoothly with few interruptions. By 7:00 i was ready to crash. I rang up the last customer and went to change out of my uniform.

"Hey Ailey. Do you want to go out with us tonight? We are going to some dance club," Claire asked

"No, its okay guys. I need to get some stuff done. Maybe next time." I replied

"Awww come on! It's on us. Every time we ask you to go you always say next time. Well today its this time, so get on your party dress and lets move out!" Cadence said.

"Thanks guys thats really nice of you, but i don't have anything good to wear and I really don't feel like going out tonight. Sorry." I replied. I finished getting ready and was about to leave when they stopped me.

"You can borrow some of our stuff.Come on, lets blow this place!'' Clair said with a smile. Claire and Cadence each grabbed one of my hands and dragged me to a small apartment that they shared.

They brought me to their closet and started looking through all different kinds of clothes. In he end Clair was wearing a purple dress with black heels.

Cadence was wearing a blue dress with black flats.

I was wearing a forest Dareen dress with black sandals.

When we got there we got in immediately because one of Claire's friends works there.

The second theeing we did was get a shot...or two...or three. Well i didn't get any so i could take their sorry drunken butts home after they got trashed. So I got water and told them it was some alcohol so they would be happy.

Its so easy to please drunk people. I sort of wish they were like this every day.

Okay maybe not every day but a few days a year might be nice. I was currently sitting at a table while the twins were out dancing with two random guys. I sighed. The club scene wasn't my thing and i felt bad that they had payed for me.

"Well its my chéri from eerily today. Mon mon vous regardez gentil mon bonbon. Care for a dance wit Remy chéri?" The man from earlier today asked.

I scoffed. "Non." I simply stated then started to walk away

"Hey chéri, where you goin'? Remy still hasn't danced wit you."

"And Remy will never dance with me."

"Oh, like a fast paced relationship?"

"Maybe i do, but its not going to to be with you."

"Ouch, dat hurts Remy. Can you make it better?"

''If you want someone to 'make it better' go look on a street corner. I'm not some one night deal." I said with some sass in my voice.

"Remy didn' want you fo' one night chéri. More like 5. You are very attractive mon amour."

Hmph. Just who does he think he is? I got up on my tip toes like I was going to kiss him and just as he was leaning in i backed away and slapped him across the face. Hard.

"Ouch! Chéri i didn' know you liked to play rough. Well you play rough wit Remy, Remy plays rough wit you." He pulled me close and tried to kiss me.

His breath smelled like whiskey and Cinnamon. I kept hitting his arms and he still wouldn't back off, so i kneed him where that sun don't shine.

"Était pour quoi est-ce que ce?! That hurt!"

"That was for not taking 'no' for an answer" You replied.

I went around the club trying to dodge Remy and find my friends for 20 minutes. Once I finally had them all I put them in the back of the car we took and dropped them off at their apartment, then preceded to mine. The car was threes so I put it in the garage for them and locked the doors so no one would steal it.

The walk home was a quiet one so far, and I was grateful for that. I usually didn't walk around alone in my neighborhood at night. It just wasn't a very smart thing to do.

"Remy still don' know your name Chéri. Wat is da name of mon ange?" That annoying Remy asked.

"Psh. I am no ones angel. Especially yours. Back off mister." I said and kept walking.

But someone had to be persistent that day.

"Come on amour. Wat is da harm of tellin' ol' Remy your name?''

"For all I know you could start stalking me with it. Oh wait you already are stalking me!"

"Remy likes to think of it as admiring from close up."

"Really were you admiring your damaged goods because if you keep this act up thats all you'll be admirin'!"

Remy smirked and moved closer to you. "Dat's okay. I like my women fiery and you have quite a personality. Waz your name chéri?"

I sighed but hoped Remy would leave me alone after this. "My name is Aliey Amour. Now leave me alone."

"Wat a wonderful name. Remy must be goin' now mon ange. Be careful and try not to run into any creeps." He said while walking away.

"Besides you," I muttered but apparently he heard it.

"Dis is a bad part of down not suitable for a femme as belle as you. Just look at for yourself." He stated again.

We both walked our seprate ways and I hoped i never gad to deal with that again.
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Did ya like it. Yeah i know it took me a while to update but its up isn't it? :) Hoped you liked it.