Mon Chéri


"Then Remy's gonna give you help anyway!" He said

"Ha. Like thats it. Your just like all the other men. Your lying through your teeth, I can tell by your eyes." I told him as i tried to get out of his grasp again with no luck.

"Why are you so unwilling to accept help Chéri? What happened to you?" He asked me pushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Nothing that concerns you, now leave!" I shouted. And to my surprise he did let go. He let me go and I walked a few steps hen i felt myself being lifted up.

"Hey what the hell!?" I screamed. "Put me down this instant you damned pervert!"

"Non. If you won't accept Remy's help, Remy will give it to son ange anyways."

He started walking with me and pulled out a few cards and threw them at a wall to make an opening so he could walk out with out putting me down.

"Hey I have to pay for that!"

"Remy will take care of it for you colombe."

"I don't want you to! I don't need your pity or anyone else for that manner! Where are you taking me?"

"Remy is taking you to his house with his family."

The rest of the walk was silent because I was thinking of ways from escaping this vile man who won't take no for an answer. Then it dawned on me. And if this didn't work I could always pull a'How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days' type of thing to get him off my back. I hope it won't come to that.

"Hey Remy can I have to go to the bathroom."

He looked at me suspiciously but nodded.

"There is a bathroom up here. Be quick Cheri."

"I will Remy." I didn't want to lead him on but I knew that saying his name would allow me some more time. I went to the bathroom in a small sandwich shop. They had a little window in the bathroom but I might get stuck if I tried to climb through it. 'hmmm he would probably be anger if he caught me and I really don't want to risk it. I will escape once I get to his families house.

As I was walking towards Remy I saw him flirting with another girl. The nerve! HE is the one taking me from my home and now He is flirting with other girls. I tuned back to look at him and my eyes met the image of him kissing the blond waitress.

Pain and jealousy ran through me. I don't know why but it did. Maybe through all the fighting I started developing a crush on the cajuin. But whatever was there is now as dead as a door nail.

I ran back to the bathroom and took off the window screen. I started to slide through the window when there was a knock on the door.

"Are you almost done Chéri?"

"Almost be right there."

"Ok mon ange."

I slipped through the rest of the window and landed on my feet.

The minute I landed on my feet I took off running to last place I ever thought I would run to. My fathers restaurant.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I was suppose to work today. He was going to be furious. That meant nothing beating.

I started to run even faster towards my workplace so I wouldn't get beaten as bad, leaving Remy in the small restaurant.