The Unknown Horrors of Teenage Apartments

Chapter 3: The Meeting

There they sat, the three of them, staring at each other. Her dad was talking; something about they were going to support her with this whole “moving out thing.” That was how he put it, disdain dripped from his mouth like honey. It insulted her and made her angry instead of the sorrow that consumed her but three days earlier.
They are going to support me into the ground, especially with the six hundred dollars I now owe. What was I thinking? I thought I was making my payments, apparently not. They had just told her the news, it was bad news, and even that didn’t describe it.
“We love you very much sweet heart.” He dad spoke reassuringly trying to convince her that she had more to fear from Casey than she did living there.
Her parents didn’t like Casey. They didn’t even take the time to meet him or get to know him. It’s just cause he used to be into drugs, I am not stupid enough to fall in love with a drug dealer or anything. He just doesn’t meet their standards, which are way different than hers. But she understood where they were coming from and as her mother looked right down her nose at her third child, her husbands first, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for their outlook on the world.
The joy of the world is in the people that inhabit it. What is the point in living if you never care to even try to understand that world or look at it in any perspective but your own? She prided herself on her ability to look at things in many different ways.
They had called this meeting and had done nothing but be sweet, welcoming, loving, and condescending. They were missing the entire point of this meeting.
Her father had bright blue green eyes; they were quick and wise, accented by his brown head of hair that looked black, streaked only by a few grays in his older age of 54.
Her mother, whose looks she followed more, had similar eyes as Lizzy. They both had flowing golden brunette hair, only Lizzy had her father’s hair texture. Her shape was similar as well. Lizzy inherited her father’s ears, lips, and teeth.
He father was bright and animated, and her mother the exact opposite sat rigid, unforgiving, and most of all hurt.
Anne didn’t say she was hurt, but knew her daughter got the point. She was angry and her daughter deserved it. To leave a letter saying goodbye was not the mature adult thing to do. Why was she crying when she wrote it anyways? It wasn’t the end of the world.
As he spoke her father thought the same things her mother was, he was just speaking it.
“Now this is how this is going to work.”
She interrupted then, “actually this is how it’s going to work. I am my own person now. I don’t live under your roof. No disrespect intended.” She hated disappointing them and knew they wouldn’t look kindly to her interrupting. To her surprise her father just continued what he was saying.
“I want Prince.”
Her father stumbled on his words then, she figured he had practiced this speech. “We feel that it’s best to keep him here, this is the only home he has ever known and we don’t know how temporary this move out is. Besides you aren’t really that settled there yet.”
His dismissal of her request insulted her that was the worst thing you could do. Insulting Lizzy was like slapping a drug lord. You could die for it, and her looks could kill.
“I understand.” It was all she could say right now, but she had learned to be patient and although she held him right now, she prepared to let him go. “Is that all for now?” When they didn't reply, she rose saying. “I am going to head home then.”
The grimace on her mothers face when she said that word was visible this time. The mask slipped just a centimeter and was quickly as smooth as marble again.
How sad that she can’t even be herself in front of her own daughter. In her mind she knew that she was being a hypocrite again. She was never herself in front of them. With the pain of day 5 she walked out of the house again this time with nothing but her car keys in hand, and even that surprised her.
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This is by far the shortest chapter so far, but one of the most critical. I really wanted to drag it out and throw drama into every word. I hoped that the clock sorta stands still for the reader as it did for her. Thanks for the read. Please strong criticisms are requested!