Love Blood and the Battle

This is a story about love, blood, and the batlle between good and evil. MCR and several other recognizable bands/people are included; they are supernatural creatures in high school that must deal with the constant battle between them and the evil jocks or, "Hunters" as they are so often called. Among all of this blood and battle emerges a love between two vampires, Frank and Gerard. Will their love last through the violence and drama? Continue to read and find out...
  1. Secrets and Revelations
    Frank Iero is new at Belleview High School and just wants to be normal. Will he find friends, love or a supernatural fight between good and evil?
  2. The Deal Around This Place
    Frank has finally found somewhere he belongs...
  3. The Falling in Love
    hi! this is xXxlikepiXiedustxXx the editor. i'm posting it cuz the author had to make dinner. part 3 is when the boys bond in class. and when the hints of frerard begin. sorry it's so short please comment ~mars
  4. One Step Closer
  5. Meet Mike and Billie...
    Frank meets Mike and Billie (Green Day).
  6. What I've Been Waiting For
    Frank finally gets what he's been waiting for...