I'll Leave It At You Amaze Me

You're as fake as the moans you make,

You're as weak as the hearts you break,

So just give us, give us a little break

The Way We Talk- The Maine

Piercyn has hit rock bottom. When you first meet her, it's the day she enters High School. Her best friend, Adeleine had always been by her side; until she met a group of 5 boys.
The first one she meets, she percieves him as a cocky egotistic asshole.
The second one she meets seems wholesome and respectful.
The third one she meets is just another boy seeking undivided attention.
The fourth one she meets seems nice and understanding.
The last one she meets seems like the perfect boy to fall in love with.

The five boys had literally turned her world upside down. The five boys she met on that first day of Freshman year had become her best friends, leaving Adeleine out of the picture and in the dust.
DISCLAIMER: I do not in any way own The Maine and their perfect bodies of bliss. I wish I did, but I dont. The picture of Piercyn is just some girl I found on google. Stealing? Psh, no. It was a coincidence.