Tell Your Heart to Wait a Little Longer

Oh Doctor, Doctor I Must Have Gotten Sick Somehow

“Thank you for dinner,” Jamie said unlocking the front door, “You wanna come in?”

She walked in and Derek shut the door behind him. Her heels clicked down the hall and echoed through the house. Derek followed and found Jamie bent over in front of the fridge looking for something.

“I swear to god it’s in here,” She said to herself.

Derek stood by the counter and just watched. Here was the girl he never forget, bent over in heels and a dress which she rarely worse, looking for something in her fridge. He closed his eyes and sighed contently. This is exactly where he wanted to be ten years from now.

Jamie found what she was looking for and swiped her finger through the frosting. Derek slouched over the counter, but fell, causing Jamie to stand up quickly and hit her head on the door.

“FUCK!!” She yelled.
“Are you okay!?” Derek asked rushing to her side.
“Yeah,” She said squinting her eyes and rubbing the back of her head. By now Jamie had fallen to the floor and just sat there.
Derek towered over her, “You don’t look okay.”
“I’m fine Derek, really,” She said opening her eyes. He crouched down in front of her. He ran his hand over her head, grazing the spot she hit. She winced when he did so. When he looked at his hand he noticed something read and sticky.

“You’re bleeding,” He said looking her right in the eye.
“No I’m not.”
“Let me see,” He said and she tilted her head forward. Surely enough there was a gash on her head.

“Come on,” He said picking her up and carrying her to his car.

The ER was filled with people with various injuries. Jamie fought Derek about being able to walk in, and she won. He went to the front desk, while she sat down between a guy with a tree branch (or what looked to be one) in his arm and a boy crying about his foot.

Derek returned a few minutes later with a pen and a plastic clipboard in hand.

“Here,” He said handing her the papers. She quickly filled the forms out, after making sure she answered the stupidest answers to the boring questions.

“DONE!!” She said with a proud smile on her face, getting looks form a few people in the room, including tree guy and crybaby. Derek walked up to the desk and handed the nurse the papers.

“She said if you have a minor injury, one to four hours. Major injury, thirty to forty-five minutes,” He said sitting down again.
“And what’d you tell her?” She asked curiously while raising her eyebrows at him.
“Major,” He said with a smirk, Jamie just shook her head.

Jamie settled into the chair, being extremely careful not to bump her head on anything. She looked at tree guy, who was off in his own world. Crybaby was sitting with his mom who seemed to be more worried than him. For some odd reason, they looked a little happy. Maybe it was just the blood coming out of her brain though.

“Jamie Walker?” A nurse called. She shook Derek awake before getting up to meet the nurse.
“Right this way,” She said. They were led down a wide corridor before coming into an exam room. Derek took a seat in the chair against the wall, while Jamie sat down on the exam table with the paper crinkling beneath her.

“So what happened?” The nurse asked while fastening a strap on Jamie’s arm and pulling out her stethoscope.

“I was getting something out of the fridge when Derek scared me and I stood up too fast,” Jamie explained.
“Any blood?” She asked.
“Yes,” Derek answered while the nurse walked over to the counter, writing something down before grabbing a pair of latex gloves. She pulled them on and walked back over to Jamie.

“Lean forward a little bit. I’m short,” She said making her and Jamie both laugh.

“I blame you,” Jamie said.
“Me?” Derek asked with an appalled face.
“Well you’re going to need a few stitches,” She said pulling off the gloves and going back to write on the chart, “But you’re talking and walking just fine so I don’t think you’ll need a CT scan.”

“Thanks,” Jamie said giving Derek a look.
“I’ll be right back,” The nurse said and disappeared out of the room. She returned a few minutes later with a stitch kit in hand, along with a metal tool tray and some blue dressings.

The nurse put the first stitch in and Jamie was alright. But while she was putting in the second, Jamie’s face nearly twisted in pain. Derek took notice of this.

“What’s wrong?” Derek asked after the nurse had the second stitch in.
“I just remembered how much I hate needles,” Jamie confessed. He stood up from his chair and walked over to her. He took his hand in hers and gently squeezed it a little. A slight smile grew on her face when he did this.

“This isn’t exactly how I pictured out first date,” Jamie said.
“Me neither,” He said flashing her a huge smile, making her heart beat faster.