Tell Your Heart to Wait a Little Longer

Can't Read My Poker Face

“Maybe you should go change,” Derek suggested, as he held the doorknob to her door, leading to the outside world.
“Why, you don’t like me in a dress?” She teased.
“No, but it’s getting late,” He said leaning up against the door.
“You’re going to leave, huh?” Jamie said disappointed.
“I was thinking about it, yes,” He said looking down at the floor.
“Okay,” She sighed.
“Unless you want me to stay,” He said raising his eyes up to meet hers.
“You have a band, I get it.”
“Jamie,” he tried.
“Go Derek, you know you have to.”

He let go of the door and took a step towards her. His hands cupped her face as he kissed her for the forth time tonight. He just couldn’t get enough of her.

“Goodnight Jamie,” He said and kissed her forehead before turning for the door.
“Night Derek,” She whispered as he left.

Jamie kicked off her shoes and dragged herself upstairs. She looked at her clock as she flipped on a light in her room. The bright green colored numbers displayed one-sixteen am. She grabbed her Pj’s and quickly changed into them.

Not even five minutes after Jamie had sat down on her bed to watch The Little Mermaid, Elly texted her.

‘sooooooo how was the nightt?? ;]’

Jamie yawned and told her in a very long and elaborate message about what happened through out the night.

‘go to sleep. I see you yawning’ Elly texted.
‘don’t break or burn anything’ Jamie replied and put her phone on the table beside her.

She pulled her dark pink duvet over her shoulders and rolled over so she could look out the window. Her eyes drifted towards the sky. The stars seemed to sparkle in the midnight blue colored background. She sighed and closed her eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.

Morning came and Jamie was still fast asleep. Derek snuck his way into her house and crept up her stairs, into her room. He stood above her and watched quietly. She looked cute all wrapped up in the mess of blankets on her bed.

He smiled as he bent down towards her and put his lips on hers. Jamie didn’t know what was going on, but she took one breath and she new who it was. She loved the way he smelled.

“Good morning,” He said pulling away from her.
“Mmmm, good morning,” She said and pulled him down to kiss her again.

Her arms wrapped themselves around his neck and pulled him towards her. He kicked off his shoes and fell on top of her before rolling to lie beside her. Their kiss broke midway through this acrobatic display and Jamie giggled as he propped himself up on his elbow next to her.

“What?” He asked a little confused by the situation.
“I’d never thought I would be woken up like Sleeping Beauty before,” She said rolling her head toward him.

“Well,” He said grabbing her face and kissing her forehead, “You were.”
“And I liked it,” She smiled.
“Bet you did,” He mumbled.
“So what brings you here this early?” She asked pulling the blankets up a little bit higher over her body.

“I wanted to take you to breakfast,” He paused and looked at her bright blue eyes, “To make up for the trip to the emergency room last night.”
“You don’t have to do that,” She sighed.
“But I want to. I feel bad for you having to get stitches in your head.”
“I’m supposed to be taking it easy today, remember?” She said giving him a questioning look.
“Right,” He said looking down at the space between them.

Jamie shifted her weight on the bed, bringing her knees up closer to her chest.

“How bout I make you breakfast instead?” He offered.
“Mickey mouse pancakes?” Jamie said smiling like a five year old.
“For you my love, yes,” He and kissed her forehead again before getting up out of bed to go downstairs.

“Did he just call me his love?” Jamie asked out loud when she knew he was gone. She shook this thought out of her head and reached for her remote.

“Lifetime. No,” She said flipping through the channels.

“Jackass!!” She nearly screamed and clicked ok.

“Why are you watching Jackass?” Derek said appearing in her doorway with a tray full of yummy delicious food.

“Because it reminds me of you,” Jamie said sitting up. Derek handed her the tray full of food and Jamie couldn’t wait to eat it.

“These are like, the best pancakes I’ve had in a long time,” Jamie said stabbing another piece with her fork.

“I learned from the best,” Derek smiled proud of himself.
“So what are we going to do today?” Jamie asked finishing off her glass of milk.
“Have dirty shower sex,” He smirked.
“And now where would you get an idea like that?” Jamie inquired.
“Elly,” He said simply stated.
“Well one, I have stitches in my head. Two, we aren’t in any sort of relationship, so what makes you think I would be sleeping with you?”
“Because maybe you are in a relationship with me.”
Jamie stared at him blankly, “Last time I checked I wasn’t.”
“You sure?” He said with a grin growing on his face.
“Derek……” She hesitated. He leaned over and acted like his was going to kiss her again, but instead reached for the plate on her lap. Jamie huffed angrily.

“I’ll be back,” He said.
“I hate you Derek,” She muttered as he walked away.