Tell Your Heart to Wait a Little Longer

Now You Know What I Feel About You

Most of the day was spent sitting in Jamie’s bed watching Jackass and other useless shows on MTV.

Jamie was still wondering about what Derek had meant before with the previous conversation they had had.

“Derek?” Jamie asked while the TV was showing some very pointless commercials.
Are we in a relationship?”
“Not officially.”
Jamie hesitated, “What if we were?”

Derek shifted his weight on his side of the bed. He looked at her and he knew. He knew she was totally serious and committed to doing this.

“I know I screwed up in the past, but these last few days have shown me all of what I missed,” She twisted her body so she was facing him now, “I want to give this a chance Derek. And if it goes wrong, it goes wrong. But at least I’d know what it was like to fall in love with the person I should’ve. The right person.”

Derek thought about this for a minute.

“You know that I have to go out with the boys on tour soon, right?” He asked cautiously.
“Yes,” She nodded slowly.
“And you know that I have a band to watch out for and fly around with, right?”
“And you know that I’ve been wanting this moment to happen for so long, right?”
“Yes… wait, what?” She asked with a confused face. Derek just smiled.

“I’ve wanted you to be mine for the longest time Jamie. Ever since freshmen year,” He admitted.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” She asked.
“I was scared that you didn’t feel the same.”
“But I did, I always have.”
“I know that now,” He said putting his arm around her and pulling her closer to him. She snuggled up against his chest and was completely happy. Minus the throbbing pain that came every now and then.

“So we’re really gonna do this?” She asked.
“I guess so.”
“So can I call you my boyfriend now?” Jamie asked looking up at him.
“As long as I can do this,” He said and kissed her softly.