Tell Your Heart to Wait a Little Longer

What's My Age Again?

“Where to?” Jamie said climbing into the front seat of her car.
“WAL-MART!!” Jake screamed, throwing his hands up in the air, smacking Brooks and Alex on either side of him.

“We’re going to Wal-Mart, at eleven at night!?” Elly asked shocked as she said between Jamie and Derek.
“Yeah,” Jamie said as she back out of her parking space and took to the road.

“I didn’t know you had a voice like that,” Jeremy said from the back, trying to keep Jake’s arms down.

“Me neither,” Jamie giggled.
“When did you start singing?” Derek asked.
“When I got bored in my house,” She shrugged, “It’s just easy to match your pitches and stuff.”

“WAL-MART!!!!” Jake screamed again as they pulled up in the parking lot.

Now, one would wonder what five boys and two girls would do in Wal-Mart around midnight. Well, there were a few races on bikes around the store, a trip to the music section where they blasted screamo and walked away leaving the other narcotics confused, a stop at the hardware section to test out the toilet seats on the ground, a second at the liquor department to get some more drinks for the night, and of course, the grand finale! Buy a jump rope, tie it to a shopping cart, have one person hold on to it in the car, steal Jamie’s car, and drive around as fast as you could in the parking lot with someone sitting inside the cart.

It wasn’t long before security was called and everyone was trying to pile in the car. Jake, Jeremy, Derek, Brooks, and Elly were all in the back seat trying to stay low, while Jamie sat in the passenger seat and feared for her life as Alex hit the gas and sped out of the parking lot.

“WE COULD HAVE GOTTEN ARRESTED!!” Jamie shouted as soon as they left the parking lot.
“But it was fun!” Alex laughed.
“Where are we to go now?” Jake asked.
“Hell,” Elly giggled as she sat smushed between him and Brooks.
“True,” Jamie sighed, “Back to the venue so you idiots can get your cars and sneak back into your parents homes.”
“I do not live with my mother!” Jake protested.
“That’s what they all say,” Jamie said rolling her eyes.
“To Jamie’s house!!” Alex shouted.
“How about no!”
“Yes!” Alex argued.
“No!” Jamie said sternly.
“But I wanna sleep in your bed!” Alex pouted as he turned on the road that led back to the venue.
“How bout you sleep in your own bed,” Jamie said coldly.
“Hers is for Derek Alex, so stop trying,” Jake said annoyed.
“Oh you will pay!” Jamie said in a threatening tone.

“Just go home guys,” Derek said stopping any fighting that was going to happen as soon as the car stopped.

“Fine,” Alex huffed and pulled up next to the venue.

Everyone exchanged their goodbyes and took the liquor out of Jamie’s trunk for another party. Derek took shot gun as Jamie drove home with Elly asleep in the back.

Derek offered to carry Elly inside her house when they pulled up in the drive way. Jamie walked ahead of them so she could unlock the door.

“JAMIE!” Mrs. Hughes shouted as they walked in the door.
“Hey,” She said quietly.
“Where have you been!?” Mrs. Hughes asked slightly pissed off. Jamie pointed where for Derek to go, and he brought Elly down the hall while she went to deal with the mother.

“We went to go see a movie,” Jamie said.
“It’s almost midnight!” Mrs. Hughes said impatiently.
“It was a late movie,” Jamie lied, “I thought Elly had left you a note.”
“She didn’t, but I trust you that you didn’t let her see an R rated movie,” Mrs. Hughes sighed.
“I’m sorry about that,” Jamie hushed.
“At least she had some fun tonight,” Mrs. Hughes chuckled.
“Yeah,” Jamie sighed as Derek came into the room.

“Ready?” He asked.
“yeah,” Jamie smiled, “Night Mrs. Hughes.”
“Night Jamie,” She said and they walked out the door.

Jamie and Derek walked back to her house, locking the door behind them.