Tell Your Heart to Wait a Little Longer

Been Sitting Here For Hours All Alone In The Dark

She drove up to his house and put the car in park. She sighed as she looked at the seemingly barren house. All the lights were out and his car wasn’t parked outside. The only light that was visible was that from the glowing street light. She starred out the front window, arguing with herself about her idea and how stupid and compulsive she was to be doing this. She closed her eyes and rested her forehead on the steering wheel.

“What the hell Mark!?” She shouted.
“Jamie,” He pleaded.
“No! How could you lie to me!?” She yelled through angry tears.
“Jamie, just listen to me,” He begged.
“No. We’re over Mark,” She said and began running for the door, stopping to turn around and look at him when she got there.

“Have a nice life,” She said and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

She picked her head up and pulled the key out of the ignition. She fumbled for the door handle and opened it. Her foot touched the pavement and there was no turning back. She shut the door behind her and watched the neighborhood. Everything looked so still.

She walked up to his front porch and sat down on the top step. Her knees were tucked into her chest and her chin rested on top of them. She let out a deep breath and closed her eyes.

”Jamie?” He said opening the front door, sort of surprised to see her.
“Der-Der-Derek,” She sobbed, collapsing in his arms. He scooped her up in his arms and brought her inside; setting her down on the couch and sitting next to her, letting her bury her face in his chest.

“Jamie, you have to tell me what’s wrong,” He said in a sweet voice. She looked at him through the tear filled eyes and tried to compose herself.
“We’re over,” She said so bluntly that anyone would think she didn’t care anymore.

“You and Mark?” He asked with a slight hint of hope in his voice. She nodded and he laid back on the couch, letting her fall on top of him.

She looked up at the sky as the stars were shining bright. That’s where she wanted to be, up and away from this life. She looked down at her faded converse and her torn jeans. Her hoodie clung to her body and her necklace draped over her neck.

”Happy Birthday Jamie!” Mark said handing her a stuffed pig.
“Thanks!” She said taking the animal from him. Derek walked up to her and pulled her into the other room.

“Happy Birthday Jamie,” He said holding out a little box with a pink bow on it.
“Thank you,” She said and smiled at him.
“Open it,” he urged. She removed the lid and slipped it on the bottom. Her jaw dropped when she saw the little heart.
“Do you like it?” He asked.
“I love it Derek! Thank you!” She said and wrapped her arms around his neck. His found their way around her back and he held her there.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she saw head lights coming up the street. She took in a deep breath of cool air that burned her throat as it went down. The lights passed over her as the car turn into the drive way and turned off. The engine cut off and the door swung open.

“Are you another homeless person?” His voice called out as he stood behind the door. This clamed her nerves a bit.

He shut the door and cautiously walked up the walk way. Her eyes were met with his when he was almost three feet in front of her.