Tell Your Heart to Wait a Little Longer

Hearts, They Don't Lie They Just Quiver In Fear

“So,” Jamie smirked, “I was thinking.”
“About what?” He asked wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.
“Well,” She said spinning around and kissing him softly. Her hands moved from around his neck so they could take off the hoodie on his body.

Derek broke away from their mini-intense kiss, “I thought you didn’t want to do what the rock stars did,” He teased.

“Maybe I do,” She said trailing her finger down the front of his chest, “Maybe I don’t.”

“Jamie,” He said not wanting to give in to temptation, “You just yelled at me for wanting to do this, and I don’t want to sleep with you just because you feel like you have to.”

She stopped trying and looked up at him sincerely with a smile on her face. He drew in a breath as he prepared himself for what came next.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to say since the day high school began,” He said and her eyes met his. He was so lost and his heart was racing so fast in his chest. The words he wanted to say were all mixed up in his mind and then they got stuck in his throat.

“I love you,” He choked out. Jamie had a grin on her face and pulled him in for possibly the most meaningful kiss she’s ever had.


In the middle of the night, Jamie had woken up leaving Derek in her bed. Yes, they were both still fully clothed. (No sex you dirty minded whores. That’s for later) She snuck downstairs and sat on the couch, grabbing her phone and dialing Elly’s number.

“So he told you he loved you?” Elly clarified.
“Yeah,” Jamie sighed, “He did.”
“And what did you say?” Jamie went silent.
“Did you tell him that you loved him back!?” Elly nearly screamed.
“N…N….No?” Jamie said as more of a question.
“Elly,” Jamie had warned since she started getting too loud.
“Well do you love him?” Elly asked after calming down.
“We’ve only been going out as an ‘official couple’ for five days, but I’ve known him forever.”
“So…..” Elly trailed.
Jamie sighed, “I’ll get back to you on that one Elle.”
“Jamie!” Elly protested.
“Go to bed,” Jamie yawned.
“Don’t have to!”
“Ugh! Fine! I give up since this is going no where!”
“Night Elle.”
“Night Jamie,” Elly said and ended the phone call.

Jamie sat in the dark for a few more minutes thinking to herself before heading back upstairs and falling into bed.

“What’d you go down there for?” Derek mumbled half asleep.
“Water?” Jamie said startled.
“Mmkay,” He said wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Hey,” Derek said hovering over Jamie who was half awake.
“Morning?” She said squinting up at him, “What time is it?”
“Seven-thirty,” He answered.
“Go back to bed,” She groaned rolling away from him.
“I have to leave Jamie,” He said bluntly. She rolled back towards him looking confused.

“We have to go to a different studio in Vegas to finish up the record, so I’m going to be gone a few days,” He said leaned down to her, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Jamie smiled as her eyes opened a bit more, only to close again when he kissed her goodbye.