Tell Your Heart to Wait a Little Longer

The Devil Wears Mudruckers And Wranglers

Jamie ran up the steps to her house, throwing the door open and searching her house for something new to wear. She ran to her closet and put together an outfit.

“Jamie!” Her mother’s cheery voice greated.
“Hello mom,” She said hugging her.
“Well,” He mother said sitting down, “How’s California?”
“Warmer than Iowa,” Jamie said with a little laugh.
“I like the veiws here, and the stores. California’s what I needed,” Her mom said picking up a menu.
“How long are you staying?” Jamie asked, aslo looking at the menu.
“Two or three more days. My flight leaves on Sunday.”

A waitress came by and took their orders. Jamie’s mother continued to grill her about all kinds of questions. This is exactly why she had left. She loved her mother, but was getting a bit fed up with her. That and ever since her and her father’s divorce, Jamie’s mother had been trying to pry more and more into her life.

“How’s dad?” Jamie asked sipping her strawberry iced tea. Jamie’s mother shifted her weight around in her seat and Jamie could tell she just made her mother uncomfortable.
“He’s been doing fine. Last I heard he had a new girlfriend in New York, but he was never one to like the corn anyway,” She said as her face became a little flustered, “How’s that boy?”

“What boy?”
“The one you always used to hang around with,” She said and put her hand to her forehead, “Oh what was his name?”

“Derek?” Jamie said slowly.
“Yes! Derek,” Her mother said.
“Oh uhm, he’s good I guess,” Jamie said taking another sip of her drink.
“You guess he’s good?” She inquired.
“We haven’t talked much since he moved mom.”
“Oh, right.”

The waitress came back with their food and soon Jamie was lost in her grilled chicken and pasta. Her mother paid and they said their goodbyes in the parking lot.

Jamie drove home and quickly rushed up the stairs to change out of her clothes that she only wore when she needed to impress someone. Any other time you saw her, she would be wearing skinny jeans and converse. But when she wanted to impress someone, oh baby she could.

“Dear god that woman could talk forever!” Jamie said putting her phone on the dresser.
“Your mom was always one to talk a lot,” Derek’s voice said through the tiny speaker.
“But come on! She talked about how we should stay in touch for like twenty minutes!” She said opening her closet.
“When’s the last time you saw her?” He asked.
“When she helped me move out here,” Jamie said peeling the shirt up over her head.
“That was what? Almost seven or eight months ago?”
“Yeah,” She said grabbing a shirt out of the closet.
“That’s a long time for you two not to be talking to each other,” Derek said sounding almost surprised.
“I love the country, but I’m not as crazy about corn as my mother is.”
“Then what the hell is she doing out here in California?”
“Who knows,” Jamie said slipping on a pair of jeans.
“Maybe she needs to talk to someone since your dad and her got a divorce.”
“I moved here because of the divorce!” Jamie shouted.
“Well jeez, I’m sorry!”
“It’s just things got kinda complicated.” Jamie explained.

“What was that?” Jamie asked noticing the loud bang from the other line.
“Alex and Jake.”
“What are they doing now?” She said rolling her eyes.
“Boxing in the hallway of the studio.”
“As crazy as it seems, yes,” he sighed.
“And what the hell are you still doing talking to me! We could win 10,000 dollars if you record that!”
“But I don’t feel like getting my ass kicked.”
“Well that’s a good excuse,” She laughed.
“You could come down here and tape it if you want!” He said a bit cocky.
“Gladly!” Jamie said.
“You don’t have to come down here,” He said after a few moments of silence.
“I wasn’t planning on it,” Jamie admitted.
“So what were you planning on doing tonight?”
“Stuffing my face with every possible kind of ice cream I can get my hands on and watching Grey’s Anatomy or America’s Next Top Model,” She said taking the phone off the dresser and bringing it to the bed with her.

“Well that sounds fun,” He said with a sarcastic voice.
“You’re a guy, you wouldn’t understand,” Jamie said shaking her head.
“Right, I don’t like sappy movies and roses,” he retorted.
“Shut up.” There was another slightly long pause between them.
“Hang on,” He said and moved to a quieter place where Alex and Jake weren’t ‘boxing’.

“You there?”
“Well I as actually thinking I could take you out to dinner tonight,” He said, “But if you want to stuff your face with ice cream I totally understand.”
“Tomorrow night?”
“I can do tomorrow, yeah.”
“Then yes, I’d love to go to dinner with you,” She said smiling widely.
There was a quick beep on the phone and ‘Mom’ was displayed on the screen.
“Hey, I have to get this, mother dearest is calling,” She said.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow night then.”
“Night Jamie.”
“Night Derek,” She said and clicked the red button, ending the call.
♠ ♠ ♠
so im totally kidding.
because if the title of this chapter were true.
then i guess i'd be part devil! :]
i love my wranglers and mud ruckers!