Tell Your Heart to Wait a Little Longer

We Make Plans Just So We Can Change Them

The next morning Jamie woke up to an ear piercing sound. Apparently her eleven year old neighbor had gotten an electric guitar for her birthday. Oh joy.

As Jamie crawled out of bed, she reach for her ipod and shoved it in her ihome, blasting whatever song came on first, in this case it was High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup. In shorts and a tank top, Jamie started dancing around her room and jumping all over her bed.

Just as the song faded away, there was a pounding coming from her front door.

“Hold on!!” Jamie said quickly hitting pause and running down the stairs.

“Mrs. Hughes,” Jamie said surprised.
“Could you do me a favor Jamie?”
“Well actually two things,” She said shuffling her feet.
“Could you watch Elly tonight? I know this is such short notice, but I have a meeting to go to and I’m pretty sure this one’s going to last a while,” She said with a smile.
“Of course,” Jamie said with a grin when her head was screaming fuck.
“Oh, and could you turn that music down? I can’t hear Elly and there are some words I don’t want her hearing in that song.”
“Oh right, sorry,” Jamie said.
“Thanks again Jamie!” Mrs. Hughes said before turning to walk down the path. Jamie shut the door and walked into her kitchen. What the hell was she going to do with an eleven year old tonight? She had absolutely no clue what this girl was in to now. Before it was rainbows and dinosaurs, but that was almost four years ago.

Jamie spent most of her day trying to clean up her house for Elly. Everything in the house nearly sparkled. Cereal and clothes were actually put in their proper places and not just thrown in the closet or set on the counter.

Three thirty rolled around and Jamie figured it would be a good idea to shower. Just as she was about to let the hot water take her away, the familar tune started blarring from her phone.

"Damnit!" She groaned, wrapping a towel around herself and walking back into her room to grab her phone.

'dinner tonight? yes?' Derek had texted.
'Crap!! i have to watch elly tonight'
'rain check?'
'sorry derek. really. :['

He didn't reply and she sighed. Finally she could get in the shower.

She stood there and let the hot water and steam relax her body. Her head hung low, and she felt like her knees were going to buckle. She sat down on the ground and let the water fall on her. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and she pressed her head against the wall.

She pulled out some ‘child appropriate clothes’, and quickly changed into them. Her hair was half dry when the door bell rang again.
"Elly!" Jamie said with a fake enthusiastic smile.
"Jamie!" Elly said returning the same expression.
"Well it looks like you two are going to have fun," Mrs. Hughes said turning to Elly.
"Be good for Jamie," She said and kissed the top of Elly's head, "If you need anything, you've got my number."

Jamie shut the door and her and Elly stood there looking at each other awkwardly.