Tell Your Heart to Wait a Little Longer

The Feel Good Drag

Sunrise came early, and Jamie was wide awake. Her past conversation with Elly was stuck in her head nearly all night long.

Jamie slid to the edge of the bed and swung her body around so her feet could touch the floor. It took some effort for her to get up out of bed, but she managed. She pulled a hoodie up off the floor and put it on before heading downstairs.

Scanning the pantry for food, she settled on Lucky Charms, grabbing the box and opening the cabinet for a bowl. She poured some in a bowl and took it to the couch, plopping down in front of the TV to watch reruns of Will & Grace and eleven in the morning.

“JAMIE!!!!” Someone called while barging into her house.
“Yeah?” She yelled from the couch.
“What are you doing?” He questioned.
“Eating Lucky Charms?” She said shoving another spoonful into her mouth.
“Well I see that, but I mean what are you doing tonight?”
“Nothing, so far,” She said turning her attention to him.
“Then don’t make any plans tonight. I am taking you to dinner no matter if you agree or not,” He now standing in front of her.

“Jamie?” A female voice called from the front of her house.
“Yeah?” Jamie groaned. She knew this voice too well.
“Why is your front door open?” Mrs. Hughes said walking into the living room.
“I dunno,” She said.
“Can you watch Elly again tonight?” She asked. There were little footsteps drawing closer and as Jamie turned around she saw Elly. Derek looked crushed again, and Mrs. Hughes looked desperate.

Jamie looked at Derek and could tell that he knew he was being blown off again. Her eyes shifted to Mrs. Hughes, and then at Elly.

“You know what mom,” Elly said breaking the silence in the room, “I could stay home by myself tonight.”
“Oh Elly, I can’t let you do that.”
“Why not?”
“You’re too young,” Her mother said.
“Mom, half of my friends stay home by themselves all the time!” Elly argued.
“Elly,” Her mother said in a stern tone.
“Besides mom,” Elly said giving a little smile towards Jamie, “I think Jamie has other plans tonight.”

Mrs. Hughes took a second to think about leaving her daughter at home by herself.

“If you aren’t home by the time I get back, I’ll go check on her,” Jamie offered.
“I suppose,” Mrs. Hughes sighed heavily.

“YAY!!” Elly shouted.
“Well I have to get going,” Mrs. Hughes said before her heels clicked their way out the door, leaving Elly, Derek, and Jamie all in the same room.

“So I take it this is Derek?” Elly questioned, looking at Derek.
“Yeah,” Jamie said as her face turned a little red.
Elly took a moment to think, “You can keep him. I approve.”
“Thanks Elly,” Jamie giggled.
“And you don’t have to check on me tonight. I won’t try to burn anything tonight.”
“That makes me convinced,” Jamie said rolling her eyes.
“Well, I’ll go,” Elly said.
“I’ll tell you all about it later,” Jamie said, “If you need something, call or text me tonight.”
“Alright,” Elly said and shut her phone after storing Jamie’s number and running out the door.

“So,” Derek said after sitting down on the couch. Jamie placed her bowl on the side table and looked at Derek.
“Where were we?” Derek asked.
“Honestly, I don’t remember,” Jamie laughed.
“Maybe I could help that,” Derek said and scooted closer to her, but just far enough to pull back if things went wrong.

Jamie shifted her weight and pushed her back up against the arm of the couch. Derek watched her, and noticed her nearly crystal blue eyes were sparkling, and her dark auburn hair was in a messy bun with pieces falling out everywhere. She didn’t have any makeup on, and she wasn’t really dressed up either. But yet, she still looked, beautiful. She didn’t need makeup or fancy clothes to make her look like that either.

He took his chance in this opportunity to lean closer to her, and see if she was all her dreamed of her being. Jamie was caught slightly off guard, but some how didn’t mind it. With his face just inches from hers, he waited to see what she would do.

Her head tilted to the left and her eyes closed. She took a risk connected their lips together.
Soft and irresistible; just like he imagined.

Seconds passed, but they felt like hours. He pulled away and her eyes opened slowly. A smile crept up on both of their faces.

He leaned back in and kissed her again while her arms found their way around his neck, pulling him closer to her. He braced himself on the couch’s arm and slid his tongue along the bottom of her lip. She granted him entrance and it was like magic happened.

With one last kiss, Derek pulled away and pressed their foreheads together.

“You should go get dressed,” He whispered.
“But,” She protested.
“I’ll see you tonight,” He said before getting up off the couch. He lifted up her chin and kissed her quickly before heading out the door.

Jamie sat there, letting her heart catch up to just what happened. Her mind floated in circles above the cloud, and every time she closed her eyes, the same scene would play over and over in her mind. She sighed before getting up off the couch.

Right now, at this very moment, she was probably the most happiest girl in the world. And she wasn’t even on drugs, unless you count him as her drug.