I'll Tell You My Story, If You Promise Not to Tell

The following 24 hours.

Jenna woke to blinding sunlight, hurting everywhere. She realized where she was : the floor in front of the green recliner. She still tasted blood,
She stumbled to the bathroom to check out her wounds. She stood just looking at herself for a moment.
A visible part of her lip had a noticible purple bulge. She ran her finger across it, wincing at the pain of the proportionately big bulge.
Oh goody, it matched her bruise.

She pulled out a pot of tan cover-up. She spread it over her bruise and scabbed cut. Then she got a pinkish lipstick that almost matched her lip color.

She pressed the soft stick to the purple area first, her eyes teared a little at the searing pain. Finally she spread it over the rest of her lips so the tone would match.
You could barely tell it was there. Barely. But Jenna knew it was.

She dropped the makeup into her black purse.
She walked to school, and quietly sat down, not wanting to draw attention to herself.
Her heartache worsened to hear her surrounding peers talking merrily like nothing was wrong in the world. For that moment she hated every last one of them. She wrote in the notebook like every morning for the last two weeks. She passed it to her awaiting teacher without a word and walked back to her rusty desk.

Jenna picked at the pain while pretending to listen to people's oral presentations on an Asian country.
When the day was at last over, she rushed to get her stuff and fled from the building before Mr. J could say a word about what happened.

Jenna rushed home. "You're early. For once" Dad chuckled.
Jenna had no clue what was funny. "So you didn't want to tell your teacher about last night?"
Jenna turned around, looking questioning. "Don't think I'm stupid. I've seen your report cards. Its almost always straight A's. You don't need any help." he sneered. "What else would you stay after for? Well?" He ripped Jenna's cup of water from her hand and grabbed her hair, pulling her heard back.

"I didn't tell ANYone..." She said breathing quickly.

Jenna's POV
He let go of my hair and turned around. Then her quickly turned around and threw the cup at my face, I fell to the floor. The cup fell further down and smashed when it hit the counter, broken shards raining down on me.
Dad flew at me grabbing my arms, twisting them painfully in all directions. There was a scrambled of various attacks including cutting my arm open with broken glass.
It seemed like forever before everything went black.


Beep Beep Beep...
A steady, irritating beep woke me. My head hurt. My whole body ached. I tried to move my arm but it hurt too much, so I tried the other arm. My other arm had a bulky white cast encasing it. I put my arm to my forehead. Why was the light so bright?

"Jenna!" someone threw themselves over me in a hug. "You've been out cold for almost three days!!!!"

I recognized Marissa as my eyes adjusted. "woah" I weakly mumbled.

Ugh, a hospital...

"Are you ok? How did you manage to tumble through a window?"

"Um...I'm not that great. And I dont...know...."

"Fell from a window?" I thought. Nice. The memory of what actually happened was present in my mind again. What scared me the most was that he was definately sober.

Mr. J's POV
Jenna hasn't been in school for three days. I am insanely nervous.
Who know what could have happened, what with her living with a psycho?