I'll Tell You My Story, If You Promise Not to Tell

Around two weeks later....

Around two weeks later...

Jenna's POV

I've mostly healed, physically. My arm is still in the cast but it was only a minor fracture.
Another bonus of having to go to the hospital was that I'd mostly been left alone since then.
It was Sunday night by the time he talked to me again.

"You know you fell from a window."

"Um no, actually you-" I felt daring...

"Helped you after you fell." He wasn't tricking me. "You know that you can't tell anyone, just like before. But no one believe you because you hit your head.

"Why would I tell someone the truth?"

"I know you already have."

"NO i haven't" I insisted. I'm getting to be a good lier.

He slapped me, hard. "Stop lying, I know it, I just do......" he growled, walked out unsteadily.

My cheek stung but I ignored it and walked back to bed. I cried myself to sleep, yet again and woke feeling like I never slept at all.

I went through my usual routine of makeup.
First my cheek, the bruise wasn't as awful but still noticeable.
Then the almost healed cut below my eye. Scar like now.
Next my tinier purple bulge on my lower lip.
Finally a new combination bruise/cut that occured the night he broke my arm.

I pulled my black sweatshirt over my green tank top and set out to school. It wasn't as cold as before, it was now Mid-February.
I sat at my desk like nothing occured, causing me to stay out of school for 13 days.
As soon as Mr. J saw me, he walked over to my desk and asked me to come out in the hall.

"Why weren't you in school? And how did you break your arm?" he asked.

I told the tale of Pan's Labrynth and how he attacked, passing out, waking up, realizing my arm was broken, "falling out the window", and finally the slapping of last night. Only pausing when students passed by and to catch my breath.

Mr. J shook his head. "I can't keep your secret anymore. I am calling child services tonight."

My eyes widened. "I guess its better that way..."