My Real Father

Arthur James Walker spent eighteen years not knowing his real father, and when his mother finally tells him, he's in for a wild ride. After finding out his father is the famous Gerard Way, he is determined to find him. But what will happen along the way? Will he meet relatives? Lifelong friends? His true love? Read on, friends, to find out.
  1. Chapter One: Prologue
    Our hero is born. POV - Arthur's mom, Susan.
  2. Chapter Two: 2025
    Arthur's eighteenth birthday. POV - Arthur, and it will be that way for the rest of the story.
  3. Chapter Three: The Search Begins
    Arthur goes to find his uncle Mikey Way.
  4. Chapter Four: Meeting the Guys and the Offspring
    Arthur goes to L.A. to meet the remaining members of MCR for the first time...and their kids.
  5. Chapter Five: Anne Iero
    Arthur invites his new friends over for a gathering at his house, and something very unexpected happens.
  6. Chapter Six: First Real Party, Part One
    Anne invites Arthur to a party hosted by Bert McCracken's son, and Arthur realizes something very important.
  7. Chapter Seven: First Real Party, Part Two
    Arthur finally goes to the party with Anne, but something terrible well as something beautiful.
  8. Chapter Eight: The Aftermath
    Arthur has to explain to his friends what happened at the party, as well as making some shocking discoveries, and being embarrassed by his mom.
  9. Chapter Nine: Meeting Him
    Arthur finally goes to the concert, and meets Gerard for the first time.
  10. Chapter Ten: 2031: Epilogue
    Six years later. That's all I'm going to say!