Love Like Cyanide

Memories Don't Last If They're Shut Away

I screamed and opened my eyes. I fell off my bed and onto the floor. My breathing was stuttered and didn't have any pattern. My iPod was blaring My Chemical Romance into my ears. I ripped out the ear buds and shut it off.

What the hell. Just a dream? I planned on testing that theory. I stood with shaking legs and walked slowly into the hallway.

Once again, the door wasn't locked, so I pushed it open. I squinted my eyes half closed and cringed away from the room, expecting to see the blood...the bodies...

But when the door opened all the way, the only thing it exposed was a plain room; blue bedding, light gray walls, wooden dresser. I stepped in cautiously. When I convinced myself that it was only a dream, I was able to calm myself enough to look around. I felt like a criminal, snooping through his belongings. But really, I had a strange feeling in my gut that I didn't know much about Derrik through and through.

I opened his closet and stared at his clothing. Nothing here. Then out of nowhere something fell of the top shelf and came close to hitting my head. I yelped and jump back five feet. For a wild second I expected to see a body. But no, it was a box that fell. My eyes narrowed slightly. I got closer and noticed something scribbled in black on it.

7/28/01 was scrawled onto the cardboard. I didn't know what the date meant, so being the nosy person I was, I opened the box and looked around.

The objects inside confused me at first but then I understood. I did the math in my head and knew what the date on the outside stood for.

The date of Molly Shay's death. These were her belongings. I didn't understand though why Derrik kept everything shoved away in a box. How did he expect to keep the memories alive if they're hidden and kept so secretive.

The first trinket I picked up was a small photo album. I picked it out of the box and looked behind myself self-consciously--worried someone would walk in at any moment--before I looked through the album.

Derrik wasn't kidding when he said I looked like Molly. She had the same dark eyes and black hair as me. And even the same face shape. The only difference was that she looked so happy. Like she just received everything she ever wanted. I don't think I'd ever grasp her happiness she once had.

One of the pictures in the album really stood out to me. It was a picture of Kathryn and Derrik, still teens and madly in love, and a little delighted Molly in the background.

Why couldn't days like this still exist? The normal ones. The ones where you felt like God loved you especially that day. Everything was ruined now.

I put the album back in the box and took out the next item. It was a binder this time; heavy too. And inside was a bunch of papers with writing on them. Stories...poetry. I read her work until I noticed the sun setting outside. I put the box back and went back to my room, hoping Derrik wasn't one of those people who could sense change in a room easily.
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Sorry, but she was only dreaming during the end of that last chapter. XD I was telling my friend Chelsea how my first plan when I started the story was to have the reason Derrik didn't want her going in his room was because he had dead bodies stashed away there, and then I felt like actually including that into the story. Buuttt, seeing how it wouldn't have worked out with the ending I have planned for this story already, I could only make it a dream.

Fun while it lasted, eh? Haha.