Tough Love


I stood idly as Fabiola clung to me, she was raving on and on about how happy we were together to a bunch of people had crowded around us. They didn’t really care all they wanted was to be part of this glamorous world. Sure they were happy, when they were out at a party or somewhere where lots of people could see them. Behind closed doors it was a whole different story. When we’re alone she wasn’t not the happy, loveable; she’s cold, detached, and demanding. She wasn’t not the person I once knew. Nor the girl I once fell in love with. I went back to pretending to listen to their mindless chat. I tried to agree, nod, and laugh at the appropriate intervals.

I knew one thing for sure, I wasn’t happy. Not anymore. The kindness that had once shined in her eyes was gone. The way she looks at me it’s just not right. But nobody believes me when I tell them that she has so much to hide, not even Ryan. I sometimes wonder why I don’t break up with her, then I remember. She had made herself look perfect in every way so when if it goes down I’m the one who will be blamed.

Her plan was working so she could just walk away. Her secret was safe though, it wasn’t as if I would want anyone’s pity. I wondered if I’d ever done anything that cruel to her, but my mind kept coming up blank. I’ had been nothing but nice to her. When I thought about all the time I had wasted I felt like a complete idiot.

I noticed Ryan across the room, I didn’t feel like staying at the party anymore, and who better to ditch with than my best friend. “Excuse me,” I said as I pushed past all the people around Fabiola and me. I was disappointed to see Keltie with Ryan, I sighed and walked over to him.

“Hey Ryan, Keltie.” I tried to sound as chipper as possible, I honestly didn’t know how Fabiola could do it all the time and not feel repulsive.

“Hey, Brendon,” they both replied simultaneously.

“Hey, uh…why don’t we go get something to drink?” I urged.

“Umm…ok,” he said following me.

As soon as we were away from Keltie I would tell Ryan about my plan to ditch the party. I was hoping I would be able to persuade him into tagging along. I was usually really good at getting my way with Ryan, but that was when Keltie wasn’t around.

As soon as we were near the bar I spoke, “hey what do you say we ditch the party and go hang out somewhere else?”

Ryan seemed utterly confused, “what? Why?”

“I don’t know I guess it’s getting kind of lame in here,” I replied in a cool voice.

“What about Fabiola and Keltie, we can’t just ditch them,” he said.

I glanced over at Fabiola, she was getting comfy with some other guy on one of the club’s couches. “I’m sure Fabiola will be taken care of, and Keltie probably won’t even notice you’re gone.” I turned back to Ryan, “come on, please?”

Ryan looked back to where Keltie was definitely enjoying herself, obviously he was deliberating whether or not to go.

“Please, you’re my best friend who else would I ditch with?” I said as I gave him the full power of my pleading puppy-dog eyes.

Ryan sighed, but he smiled warmly, “alright let’s go.”

We walked out of the club and jumped into my BMW convertible. I pulled away from the parking lot and kept my eyes fixed on the road ahead. I was only distracted by Ryan.

“So where are we going?” he asked.

“I hadn’t really thought about it, I just really wanted to get out of there,” I stated, “but I’m starving. Where do you want to eat?”

“Somewhere we won’t encounter any crazy fans or the paparazzi,” said Ryan.

I chuckled, “uh…we could go back to the hotel and order room service?”

“You said you wanted to go out, what about McDonalds?” he said.

“And you don’t think we’ll be spotted there?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“It’s called the drive-thru silly,” Ryan replied chuckling.

I pulled into the nearest McDonalds and we ordered from the drive through. I decided we might as well eat out, but not really out I drove to a secluded area in a near by park. I parked and we ate in the car. We ate in silence, I didn’t know why but we did, I assumed Ryan was waiting for me to speak. However I remained quiet.

“So why were you in such a rush to get out there?” Ryan finally asked.

“Ryan, we’ve gone over this and you don’t believe me,” I muttered.

“Try me,” Ryan insisted.

I stared into Ryan’s brown eyes, they were mesmerizing. I shook my head trying to remember what I was thinking. I sighed, “I’ve told you. Fabiola isn’t the person she pretends to be.”

“What do you mean?” he questioned.

I sighed once again, “whenever Fab and I are in public she pretends that we’re the happiest couple in the damned world, but when we’re alone she’s different. She’s like this complete stranger.” I stared out the windshield into the darkness as I said that.

“Bren, you can’t be serious. She treats you like a king,” said Ryan.

“All part of her charade, Ryan she doesn’t love me.” I whispered. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

“Bden, I didn’t know you were so--”

“Pathetic?” I cut him off.

“Unhappy,” he finished. “Bren you’re not pathetic.”

“Really? Then why am I still with her?” I challenged.

“Because you love her?” he sounded unsure.

“Ry, I stopped loving her a long time ago,” I murmured.

“Well you’re with her because you’re a sweet guy,” he said.

“Thanks, Ry. You’re an amazing friend,” I said turning to look at him.

“No prob. Bden I’m always here for you,” he replied with a sweet smile.

As I started at him my stomach began to get all fluttery. I didn’t know exactly why but heart began to race. I smiled back at Ryan. I started the car and we drove back to the hotel. That night I went to bed extremely happy, something that hadn’t occurred in a while. There was a stranger in my life, but I would deal with her later.
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Ok so I hated the third person POV.
So I'm rewriting it in the first person POV. (it's a lot easier)
And Also I'm adding more stuff so If you want to re-read do so I'm sure it'll be better the second time around. :]
Commets please? =]
♥-Mr. Urie