Tough Love

You Give Love a Bad Name

I was awoken by the loud buzzing of my Sidekick on the nightstand. I reached lazily for it, Fabiola’s picture and name was displayed on the screen. I pondered whether or not to ignore her call. I didn’t.

“Hello?” I answered wearily.

“Brendon, you idiot! What the hell?!” She yelled. “You completely left me looking like a moron last night!”

“Fabiola, I don’t feel like talking about this now, so can’t you save this for later?” I replied clearly annoying.

“Oh we’re talking about this right now! What the hell was more important than me?!” She yelled.

“Anything is more important that you Fab,” I replied coldly, “honestly I’m sick of being your arm candy and I can’t live with this lie anymore. I don’t think I can be with you anymore.” With that I ended the call.

That was completely liberating. I felt content, and I honestly didn’t care what she did or what she said. It was over and now I would finally be able to move on with my life. I got up and went to the bathroom, I took a shower and got dressed. I slipped on a pair of faded blue skinny jeans and a red shirt with black horizontal stripes. As I was fixing my shaggy hair my phone went off again, it was Fabiola again. I ignored the call and let it go to voice mail. I thought about having breakfast with Ryan, and the idea excited me more than it should. I flipped the swivel screen of the Sidekick and typed a text message to Ryan.

“Breakfast? =]”

A few minutes later my phone began buzzing again. It was Ryan’s response.

“Count on it. :]”

I smiled as I read his response. I flipped the phone and replied.

“K. See you in 5”

I finished messing with my hair and I tucked the phone back into my pocket. I walked out of my hotel room. Ryan’s room was only two rooms down the long corridor which was desolate. I knocked on the door and was surprised to find a shirtless Ryan. I had seen Ryan shirtless many times but I’d never really noticed his slightly toned body.

“So are you coming in or are you just going to stand there?” he teased.

I chuckled nervously, why was I nervous again? I stepped in, Ryan shut the door behind him.

“I’ve already ordered room service, so all we have to do is wait,” Ryan announced as he pulled on a blue shirt.

“That’s great,” I said smiling.

“So what’s up? How come you’re up so early?” Ryan asked.

“Well I was coming to tell you the news,” I began, “Fabiola called me like thirty minutes ago and so she was bitching about I’d left her alone and the party. So as she was yelling at me I told her I was done.”

“What?” Ryan seemed totally shocked.

“I finally broke up with her.” I stated.

“Good for you Bren, I’m glad you finally stood up to her and you know I‘m always here if you need anything.”

There was a knock on the door, “that must be room service with our breakfast.”

As soon as Ryan opened the door, I recognized the livid voice coming from the corridor, “is Brendon Urie here?!”

Before Ryan could even respond Fabiola pushed past him. She walked into the middle of the room where I was.

“What are you doing here Fabiola?” I asked in annoyance.

“I’m here looking for you? Why aren’t you taking my calls?!” She yelled.

“I told you, I’m done.” I stated.

She snorted, “this isn’t done until I say so! I mean first of all you do NOT hang up on me! And second you never ever ditch me at parties!”

“What part of done don’t you understand? Can you just go now?” I said.

“You’re not a man Brendon Urie, you’re a little bitch! I mean who breaks up with their girlfriend over the phone and doesn’t even bother to explain why?! I mean I love you for god’s sake!” She was being completely dramatic.

I didn’t say anything, but Ryan did.

“If this is love then you give love a bad name,” he muttered.

“Excuse me?” she sounded completely shocked.

“You heard me,” replied Ryan.

She turned her furious gaze at Ryan, “you don’t talk to me like that pretty boy!” Her tone was venomous.

You don’t talk him like that!” I said. “Just go now before I call security.”

“You’re gonna regret this Brendon Urie! You’ll be sorry!” She yelled as she stormed out slamming the door behind her.

“Are you ok Bren?” Ryan asked softly.

“Yeah, it’s fine.” I said.

“I’m really sorry didn’t believe you before,” he said apologetically.

“Yeah well the important thing is that it’s over,” I muttered. I was free and that was all that mattered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so again re-written. :]
Thanks to all the people who take the time to read my work. :]
Comments please?
Comments=happy me= more Rydon action.
AND Now that I'm re-writing I've decided I will add some explicit stuff. :D
♥-Mr. Urie