Tough Love


It had been a week since Fabiola and I had broken up. She had gone completely public about and as I had guessed it I was the one made to look like the villain. I didn’t really care though, it wasn’t unexpected of her to something like that. The guys had all been there for me though, especially Ryan. Lately they had been hanging out a lot. I couldn’t explain why I felt so close Ryan, I mean we had always been close but I felt I was getting emotionally attached to him. I loved playing with his hair, hugging him, and just spending time with him. I’ve tried to push those feelings all the way to the back of my mind, most of the time it worked. Except when Keltie was around.

I never had a problem with Keltie, well until know. I didn’t like his girlfriend, she was like so whatever and Ryan could do so much better. Keltie was intellectually illiterate and she always wanted to make out with Ryan, even in my presence. She was annoying, condescending and I simply thought he needed a new one.

Even then as they sat there playing monopoly she kept kissing his neck. My hands were balled up into fists, my jaw was clenched, and my blood was just about boiling. I got up from the couch as Ryan rolled the dice and I walked to the bathroom. I couldn’t take it anymore, I was about explode with a passionate rage. I turned on the faucet and splashed some cold water onto my face. What was wrong with me? Why did Ryan have to be so fine? I thought about him all the time, he’s just so addictive. Didn’t he know what I could do to make him feel alright?

I turned the water off and dried my face with a hand towel. I ran a hand through my hair trying to think straight, literally. I didn’t know what to think. Some times the way Ryan looked at me, made me wonder. And even when he looked away I knew he was thinking of me. I sighed, I wasn’t going to do anything stupid. I took his Sidekick out of his pocket and activated the Caller X application, it was perfect, I would get a call and he would have to leave. I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

As he walked back to the living room Ryan and Keltie were engaged into a heated make out session. Ryan pushed Keltie aside as I sat down. That’s when my phone went off, I walked away and pretended to take the fake call. I went back and announced I was leaving.
“Why? Is something wrong?” Ryan asked as he was getting up.

“Nothing to worry about but, uh yeah I have to go.” I said and I began to walk toward the door. I exited Ryan’s room and was about to make my way down the hall when Ryan cam out behind me.

“What’s up Bren?”

“Nothing,” I muttered.

“You don’t have a nothing face, you have a something face,” noted Ryan.

I don’t like your girlfriend! I think you need a new one, I could be your boyfriend! So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear better yet make your girlfriend disappear! I yelled in my mind.

“Uh…I just sort of felt like the third wheel in there.” I lied.

“Bren I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel like a third wheel. I’m supposed to be here for you and here I am hurting you. I’m so sorry.” His eyes looked pained.

I hated myself for making him feel bad. “It’s not your fault Ry, it’s just me being dumb.”

He went up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back, it felt nice to hug him. He pulled back and asked, “so where are you going?”

I sighed. “Fabiola called she wants me to meet her just to talk.” I lied. I hated lying to Ryan.

“And you’re going?” he seemed shocked and kind of hurt.

“Yeah, we’re just going to talk.” I shrugged.

“Alright, I guess I’ll see you later then.” He said.

Just as I was about to leave Keltie came out and said she was leaving too. We walked together to the elevator. She waved at Ryan for like the fiftieth time and blew him another kiss. I pressed the parking lot button and the doors closed. That was when she turned to me.

“I need you to give Ryan some space, platonic lover.” She sounded completely repulsed.

“Excuse me?” I asked indignantly.

“You heard me, I’ve seen the way you look at Ryan. But get this he’s my boyfriend so back off.”

I was completely taken by surprise. “Ryan was my friend way before your bimbo ass came along.”

“I’m warning you Brendon, stay away from my boyfriend.” She repeated.

“In a second he’ll be wrapped around my finger, cause I can do it better and you’re so stupid I don’t know what the hell he was thinking when he decided to ask you out.” I said with pure venom.

She laughed as if I were a complete joke, “we’ll see about that Bden.”

She walked out of the elevator. I stood there, blood boiling, hands balled into fists. I took a deep breath and pressed the sixth floor button. Keltie wouldn’t get away with this, for hell hath no fury like a Brendon Urie scorn.
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Ok so re-written...again. lol
Comments please? =]
I like knowing. :]
♥- Mr. Urie