Tough Love


It had been about a week since me and Brendon had cleared the air. I honestly felt much better. However I still didn’t know what to make of things. I wanted Brendon, I wanted to kiss his full lips, I wanted to feel his warm body, I wanted to spend every night with him. Just thinking about Brendon made me hard. I leaned back on the bed and began to unbutton my pants when Keltie barged in, unannounced. I knew it was mistake giving her a key, I quickly grabbed a pillow and put it between my legs.

“Hey babe,” he said.

“Hey,” I replied, clearly annoyed. I was used to her random appearances but lately they seemed to be getting more and more bothersome. As of late she seemed to be getting more annoying, more demanding of his attention and sex whenever she wanted. Whenever I slept with her pictures of Brendon would suddenly pop into my head, I knew it wasn’t fair to her but I couldn’t help it.

“So what are you doing?” she asked.

“I was going to take a nap, but now that you’re here I guess I can’t do that anymore,” I made no effort to hide my annoyance.

“You’re so silly Ry,” she said as she got on top of me and began to kiss my neck.

I didn’t push her off, suddenly I was picturing Brendon kissing my neck, “Brendon,” I moaned.

Keltie pulled away. “What?!” she sounded completely furious.

I cleared my throat, “Brendon’s supposed to come by any minute for…uh some last minute stuff we need to take care of.” I tried to keep my composure. Luckily for me we did have a show that night, it was the final one in Chicago.

She got off me and fixed he hair, “well I guess I better get going.” I knew she wasn’t totally convinced but at the moment I didn’t really care.

“I’ll see you later.”

“Totally,” I replied.

With that she walked out of the room. I fell back against the bed and threw a pillow onto my face. I thought about breaking up with her, but those thoughts were pushed aside with the buzzing of Sidekick. It was a text from Brendon.

“Wanna go get sugared up on frappuccinos and Red Bull?”

I flipped the screen and typed, “Sounds good. :D”

“Come down stairs, I’m the lobby.”

I put my phone back in my pocket, grabbed my black hoodie and headed down to the lobby. Brendon stood there looking completely dorky yet totally adorable.

“Hey Bden,” I said joyfully.

“Hey Ryro,” he replied smiling.

“So are you ready to go?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” he replied.

We headed to a nearby Walgreens and got two Red Bulls which we drank on way to Starbucks. At Starbucks we both got two frappuccinos, the sugar rush was definitely fun and definitely better than drugs. Time flew by, and soon it was time for our final rehearsal before the show. I was glad the tour was ending, we would be off the road and finally have some down time. I walked into my dressing room to find Keltie sitting in front of the mirror, suddenly the clichéd expression ‘if looks could kill’ ran across my mind. She looked furious.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked, surprised.

“I came here looking for you, since you and Brendon we’re supposed to be working on some last minute stuff,” she was clearly angry.

“We were,” I stated.

“Oh, I didn’t know sipping frappuccinos and acting like a total moron at Starbucks was part of your work.”

“Alright, so we didn’t work. Big deal we were just hanging out, what’s wrong with that?” I asked as I walked to where my clothes were.

“So you blow me off to hang out with Bden?!” she yelled.

I hated how she said his nickname with venom. “Look Keltie you’re overreacting, and right now I’m too hyper and too busy to actually care. The door is right over there, if you don’t mind.” It felt good not to give into her stupid demands for once.

She scoffed and stormed out of the room.

The show went fantastic, the audience had cheered and we played our best. I honestly thought it had been the most fun I’d ever had playing live. As we got off stage, my heart was still pumping and I was running on pure adrenaline. Then it happened, I watched Brendon enter his dressing room and my heart began pumping faster than I thought possible. I took a deep breath, part of me questioning what I was about to do. I made sure no one was around me as I made my way to Brendon’s dressing room, I checked again for anyone before stepping in. Once inside I locked the door so no unexpected visitors could interrupt. I turned around slowly to find Brendon frozen, half his shirt unbuttoned. He looked extremely sexy.

“R-r-yan w-what are you doing here?” he stuttered, clearly confused.

“You know,” I began as I walked toward the object of my desire, “I wanna lock you up in my closet when no one’s around, I wanna put your hand in my pocket because you’re allowed. I wanna drive you into the corner and kiss you without a sound. Now you’re in, you can’t get out.”

Brendon stood there motionless, like a marble statue. I liked that, I liked feeling like I was in control. Soon I stood before him, his breathing was erratic, I ran a finger down his chest up to where the shirt was still buttoned. I began to unbutton the rest of it as I stared into his chocolate brown eyes. Those eyes were full of lust and passion as were mine, it didn’t take long for me to finish unbuttoning his shirt, it slid off him and landed on the floor. I examined Brendon’s body, thinking about all the things I wanted to do to him. I began kissing his neck.

“What are you doing?” Brendon whimpered.

“Bden you make so hot, make me wanna drop. You’re so ridiculous I can barely stop, I can hardly breath, you make me wanna scream,” I whispered into his ear. I continued to kiss his warm neck, then I moved to his lips. His lips were so welcoming, so hot and full of passion. Kissing Brendon was nothing like kissing Keltie, Bren was rough and vigorous. I As we searched each other’s body I could feel Brendon’s hardness. I pulled way.

“I can make you feel all better and I can show you all the places that you’ve never been. And I can make you say everything that you’ve never said, and I will let you do anything, again and again.” I whispered. I went back to kissing his neck, then I moved down to his chest where I nibbled playfully on one of his nipples. Then I was kissing his stomach, I was all the way down to my knees, dying of a combination of thrill and anticipation. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers exposing his hard cock. I couldn’t wait anymore I wanted him.

Brendon moaned as I took his member into my mouth, then I ran my tongue along his length, that seemed to drive him crazy. As I slurped and licked I unbuttoned my own pants and began to stroke my own hardness. Then things went down hill from there.

“Brendon, you in there?” Jon called out.

Shit. I thought as I looked up Brendon. He seemed as scared as I felt, but I had to keep calm for both our sakes. I signaled for him to reply.

Brendon cleared his throat, “yeah, what’s up?” His voice sounded hoarse and a bit anxious.

“You ok?” Jon asked.

“Yeah…uh…I’m fine just changing,” Brendon said as he got dressed, I did too.

“Oh…well we’re going out to celebrate,” Jon said.

“Be right out,” Brendon replied in a composed manner.

“Have you seen Ryan?” I heard Spencer ask Jon as he approached the door. I also heard Jon say he hadn’t. That was it, we were screwed.

“Yo, have you seen Ryan?” they asked in unison.

“Uh…I think he went to talk to Keltie,” Brendon lied as he fixed his hair then he gave me a distressed look.

“Go, text me when you’re far enough for me to get out,” I whispered.

Brendon walked out of the room to meet the guys, I stood behind the door and heard them leave. Ten minute later I got a text from Brendon, I sighed and ran a hand through my messy hair. It had definitely been a close one, but I didn’t regret a single minute of it. It had been one of the single, most exciting, hot nights of my life. I took a deep breath before I walked out of the room with the biggest smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there you have it.
See why there was not sex before (Hint: I'm not very good at writing it!) lmao
Well I hope you enjoy it and one more chapter to come before the new stuff. :D
So comments please?
Comments=faster updates, maybe a better explicit scene next chapter. lol XD
♥- Mr. Urie