Sequel: Running With Scissors

Those Worse Off Than You

Part 107

No... please no... What's going on? Why am I here? Why did they take me back to the horrid place?

I moaned as I opened my eyes and regained conciousness. The pain took over me- almost making me regret it. I cursed under my breath and tried to move. My body wasn't listening to me. I felt so numb. So sick. So dirty...

I shifted my eyes to a man sitting in the chair beside me in a bussiness suit. His worried face put on a welcoming smile. "Hey, you're awake."

I looked the other way.

"Kid... you could have hurt yourself."

That was the point.

"You could have died."

That's why I did it. I felt angry- he was stating the obvious.

"What about the people who love you?"

"Nobody loves me," I whispered. "She cares too much..."



I felt so dicusted. What had I done?

"Am I parilized," I managed to ask.

"No. You can move. You're probably just to weak to move. You would have been if you jumped off that ledge."

A steaming tear roled down my cheek. "Why didn't I?"

"You did. But I grabbed you before you fell."

"Why," I asked angrily and confused as I becan to hyperventalate.'

"We all have a purpose here..."

"You'll notice I don't."

"Kid, what's your name?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"The hospital is going to need to know."

"They already know me. Quite well actually," I managed to say.

Why am I here? Why do I feel this pain? I regretted wanting this pain... even though the want was still there. I concidered it more of a need. A greedy need.

"Jayde," I stated, trembling in fear and dispair.

"What," the man asked. "You already told me about her."

"No- I screamed. "I want Jayde! You asshole- get her for me!"

The man was very patient. "How?"

I stuttered the numbers of her phonenumber as the man wrote them down on paper before he left the room to use a payphone.