Sequel: Running With Scissors

Those Worse Off Than You

Part 113

"Ace- you don't need to act like an immature child- I'm only here to help you."

I snapped my head to look at him with a evil glare. "Did you ever think that maybe I don't want your help!"

"Ace, you promised me that you were in control of your addictions & urges."

"Well- I kept my promise- I was in control of my urges! If I wasn't, I wouldn't have done what I did! It's not something that just popped into my head! I planned it! I had it drilled into my head for a long time... I had to think about it. Thinking is being in control."

"Ace- that's not true. You think you're in control- but you're not. You think you're independant, but that takes time, and right now, you need help. That's why I'm here. I'm here to help you. Now, tell me the truth."

I really wasn't sure what he meant by tell me the truth', but I snapped on him anyway. "You want the truth," I spat. "You want the truth?I'll do it again! As soon as I get out of here- as soon as I have the chance! I hate living like this- I can't stand it! You won't help me!"

He stayed calm- watching me completely in control. "Settle down Ace," he said quietly. "I can help you, and I will. I just need to to let me in.If you trust me. You told me about your childhood- so you must trust me a bit..."

"You think that's trust?" I began to chuckle like a madman. "If I trusted you, I wouldn't have told you half of what I did. To trust someone, you need to care about them."

"What? Ace... I don't undertand," he said in confusion- a look I had never seen implanted in his face.

"See- you're a shitty psyciatrist, you don't even understand how I think! So how can you help me? You're a joke!"