Sequel: Running With Scissors

Those Worse Off Than You

Part 121


"No. You eat it," Ace stated.

"Eat it, or I swear to God, I'll leave you here alone for the rest of the week and never speak to you again," I threatened unrealistically.

"Then leave- I'm not eating it."

"You would rather not eat a chip then never talk to me again? What's going on," I asked.

"Nothing," he defended.

"Bull-shit! Why won't you eat it!"

"Because- it's discusting- get it away!"

"You're fucking anorexic again, aren't you," I screamed.

It was silent.

"Aren't you!"

"You don't understand! Just- leave me alone," he whined and spun himself around quickly, making his way back to his perch by the window.

"I would if you told me."

He spun around to face me insanely, "I will fix the broken!"

"Just eat it, please," I said calmly.

"Jayde- Why are you trying to help me? Why do you even bother."

"Because I care about you a lot, and I don't want to see anything happen to you. This has to end- all of this. If it's not starvation, it's drugs, if it's not drugs, it's suicide. Smarten up- you're smarter then that! Just eat it and tell me this is over and you're going to fix it the right way, and let everyone help you."

"But it never works- no one can ever help me."

"Becasue you never have any faith in them- you plan out their end. You want them to fail. You need to believe someone can help you before you can help yourself and let them help you and be succesful," I explained as best I could. "Just eat it."

He looked at me in a way I pictured him looking at his father- a sheild of courageous fear lingerring apon his frail facial features.

"Please," I said, holding the bag out to him. "And you have to stay here and eat it- in front of me."

He slowly reached out and took the bag from me before looking up at me again.

"The whole thing," I said. "The entire bag."

He looked down into the bag and shook it a bit before putting his hand in and pulling out a small chip, observing it to extreme limits.

"Fuck you too," he stated to me in a grumble.

I stayed quiet and patient, keeping my eye on his every motion before he slowly brought the chip to his nose, sniffing it before he heald it close to his mouth for a moment or two. He parted his lips nervously and shoved the small article of food inside quickly beforehe slowly began to chew in in an almost motionless action, gagging the whole way.

When he was done the first chip, I asked him to open his mouth hand show me the empty traces before he begun on the next one. The more chips he ate, the more he gagged, and the more afraid and angry his face grew. Tears began to swell his eyes as he was forced to eat away the calories that he seemed to fear so much. His face was red and swollen with dirty tears before he was done, when he threw the empty bag to the floor and coverred his face with his hands, sobbing in himself.

"There- done. Happy now," he commented before curling away from me.