Sequel: Running With Scissors

Those Worse Off Than You

Part 125

"No! There is no way I am going in there! Get away from me! No," Ace whined as Angel and I dragged him into the hair salon in a giggly manner.

"It's only a trim," I stated. "Your hair is down to your shoulders! It's almost as long as mine!"

"Noooo," he cried.

"Common man, you look like a chick- pretty soon, some dude's gonna check out your ass!"

"Let him look all he wants," Ace stated blaguely as he shoved his shoulders into the chair as the short girl with the scissors stood behind him, chewing bubble gum and observing his hair before she stated, "He needs it washed."

She was cute. A bubbly girl with light brown hair clipped away from her face. She worelittle make-up and her jeans and pot-a-dot shirt complemented her healthy figure. She turned on the water and let it turn over Ace's dark hair, running her shampooed fingers through it as the suds began to form.

Afterwards, Ace was seated back in the chair and he looked at us nervously as the girl said, " Okay- what shall we do?"

"Just a trim," I stated.

"Not even that," Ace remarked. "Just cut a little bit- please... don't cut my hair off!"

The girl nodded before she heald her scissors up to his head and far her fingers messily though his hair, biting her lip in concentration. The first snip was heard and a lock of black hair fell to the floor about three inches short. Angel and I looked at eachotehr and smiled as Ace kept looking at us with a concerned look on his face.

I figured the girl must have been halfway through when Ace asked, "Are we almost done?"

"Soon," the girl stated, snipping mor ehair from his head.

"You're looking good," I comented with a smile.

Ace smirked before looking down at the locks of hair on the floor and whimpering because his bangs were no longer hangingright in his face.