Sequel: Running With Scissors

Those Worse Off Than You

Part 34

Speak of the devil- he just walked in. "What's wrong," he asked, standing in the doorway.

"Nothing," I muttered.

"Is this about last night? You know- that guy was an asshole. He was high- he probably didn't even know what he was doing." He stumbled over and sat beside me on the bed.

"I'm surpirsed you actually remember," I remarked.

"What are you talking about; of course I remember," he asked cluelessly.

"I'm surprised," I repeated.

"Jayde- what are you talking about," Ace asked, confused, scanning my face for some sort of answer.

"My mom went through your bag- she found your shit," I said. It was odd how it had just... come out.

"Oh..." He looked at the ground. "I... I'm sorry. I... didn't expect that to-"

"Is that what you went to that party for," I interrupted and harshly stared at him, hoping my eyes were burning holes...

"No- I... I..."

"Why do you do it," I finally spat out.

"Why do I do what?"

"I don't know- what is it excactly that you do?" I was even confusing myself now.

"Uh... well, I'm sure you saw," he started axiously and began studdering.

"Why wouldn't you have told me before?"

He looked at me. His eyes were beginning to get scratchy and red. "I'm sorry," he whispered and tried to catch the glance of attention in ym eyes- he already had it. "I... just didn't think you needed to know," he whispered.

"It would have been nice."

"I'm sorry... I screwed up. I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"My mom said she's going to get you arrested if you show up here all strung out again."

"I seriously am sorry... I just- I can't help it. I'm usless."

"You need to get help Ace. You're going to screw up your whole life."

"My whole life is already screwed up. It was screwed up when I was born," he mumbled, not caring that a small tear rolled down his cheek as he stared at his shoes.

I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him as sympathy started to grow inside me. "It'll get better. You just need to except that there are people who will help you. That are going to be there for you. You aren't alone."

"People aren't going to revolve their lives around me," he remarked.

"I would," I stated.

"Why? I'm a screw up- that would be pointless. You'd be wasting your breath."

"Because- I have faith in you," I smiled.

There was suddenly a knock at the door; interrupting our conversation as it opened. "Hi Ace. Are you ready to leave?"

It was the social worker from yesterday. "Just wait," I said and motioned for her to leave for a second.

I placed my cellphone in Ace's open hand on his lap. "Take it," I orderred. "Call me when you know where you are going to be. I'll come visit you."

The begining of a smile started across his distressed face, as he sniffled. "Thanks."

"No problem," I said and hugged him before leading him bravely out to the blue car that was parked in our driveway. I watched him bravely smile at me as he sat in the backseat with his small back-pack beside him. I hoped I had given him hope for the future... I hoped I would be his inspiration for a better future... I hoped I had made an impact.