Sequel: Running With Scissors

Those Worse Off Than You

Part 40

"Everything. Tell me anything you want," he whispered.

I smiled. "I... I dunno," I turned red. "I was born here and I grew up here. My mom's friend had a kid the same time I was born. We were expected to be best friends... we don't get along very well. We don't fight or anything... we just have different interests and stuff.

I met David in grade school. He was playing with the blocks and asked me if I wanted to play. Our families became friends and we'd spend alomst every dya together. We were best friends; like family members almost. He was walking home from our house one night when... it happened.

That was when I turned all weird. My parents tried comforting me and everything, but nothing worked. I just sat in my room alone all day and night. I had nightmares for the first month or two. That was when I... started cutting.

I became introverted and strange at school. My parents didn't understand how I felt, so they became alienated from me too. Everything flipped upside down..."

"Can I ask you something," he asked when I was finished, as if something had been puzzling him.

I nodded.

"When was the last time you did it?"

I turned pink. "Uh..."

"Tell the truth."

"After I saw you and your father..."

The light left his eyes and he frowned. I knew that would just make things worse... now he just felt guilty.

"Ace- forget about it."

"No. See... that's exactly what I mean. I don't want that happening because of me. That's my fault. I made a bad impact of someone's life. That's all that's happened since I know you- that is why I am useless. Because my entire life all I've done is made people feel like shit."

"No, you don't understand," I started, leaning in close to him. "You saved me. You gave me a friend. You made me feel like I should concentrate on other things in life. You made me happy. You showed me light. You were a friend. Something i hadn't had for a while."

"Well... it's nice to know that much." He smiled.