Sequel: Running With Scissors

Those Worse Off Than You

Part 58

When we got back, Ace was already gone.

"Man- that kid is quick,"Angel stated, turning off in a random direction.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to the Care Center. He probably went back there anyways. If he didn't, he probably doesn't want to see me, so why should I go looking for him. If he isn't back by nine, I'll report him," he stated.

"Angel, don't."

"Why shouldn't I? The kid knows he's not supposed to run off; it's his own fault."

"Just... don't. I'll find him," I stated and walked off in the opposite direction, towards the ice cream parlour. He wasn't there. I walked down the beach past the children's playground. I hadn't found hm there either.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the bus stop. I ran up to it, checking to see where the last buss had gone to. It left five minutes ago, and stopped near the school; halfway between my house and the Care Center. The next bus didn't come for an hour, so I called my house. My dad answerred.

"Dad- I need a ride."

"Why? I thought you guys were taking the bus."

"Ace and Angel had a fight. And now Ace ran off somewhere and I think he took the bus that stopped near the school."

"Where are you?"

"At the harbour, near the playground."

"Are you coming home?"

"No- I have to go after him. He won't go back if someone doesn't catch him; he's get in trouble."

"Alright... just wait. I'll be there soon."